Sunday, January 16, 2005

Of Troughs and Tractors

I noted yesterday that I didn't mind hauling bucket after bucket of warm water outside to thaw the "frost-free" hydrant which serves the horses' water trough. Yesterday, it refused to liberate itself of frost, so the tank went unfilled.

The horse trough did have plenty of water, but my urgency in keeping it filled deals more with the floating heater inside the tank than thirsty horses. They rather like things that float in the trough and particularly enjoy locking on to these items with their teeth and flinging them about the barnyard. So, my strategy is to keep that water level with the top to deter my playful friends from any temptations.

I didn't worry too much yesterday because of a forecast which promised warmer temperatures and lots of snow. The promise was kept. This morning we're looking at about three inches of white stuff. Still had to spend more time than usual thawing the stand-pipe, but it finally spit out a healthy stream of cold water.

This snow signifies a fun day ahead for Bill. He's had the old Ford 9 N tractor parked just off the driveway near the spruce trees, waiting for its next plowing job. Well, if it hasn't been too cold, he'll get it started and plow to his heart's content. As stated before, men love their tractors, so the snow gods have made a happy man at the Love house.

Happy Sunday from North Idaho's winter wonderland. I envision a little snow shoeing today.

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