Friday, January 21, 2005

Of Turtledom and Such

My son thinks Mr. Huckleberry of Blogdom has a secret motive behind his promotion of the Spokesman-Review blogging seminar for North Idahoans. He worries that too many blogs may signal the end to the morning "Handle."

That would be bad for the Love house because paper-reading time and its accompanying commentary provides the highlight of our day.

There's a pecking order for who gets to read the two newspapers first. Every day but Wednesday I collect the papers. One day each week, Bill combines driving the garbage cart to the roadside with bringing in the Wednesday editions.

He knows, however, to lay both papers on the table next to my computer. I do have the divine right, being the oldest, the most journalistically seasoned and the most selfish news junkie, to read the papers before anyone else.

Bill learned long ago that it's much easier to reread yesterday's editions or even the Nickel's Worth while he awaits his turn for today's hot stories. Since Willie gets up a little later, I do fend off his guilt stare by doling out the Spokesman sports section.

During this period each morning, we (Bill, Willie and I) delight in being irreverent, critical, judgmental, politically incorrect, biting and maybe even downright nasty as we read the morning news within the safe haven of our house. Hope the Patriot Act hasn't got us bugged.

Willie says that, though we do like each other, our family journalistic bonding does not compel us to gather in front of the computer screen to read blogs for our daily news fix. He prefers the old-fashioned method.

So, Mr. Huckleberry, if you wish to allay his suspicions, drop him a line at I'm sure he'd be glad to discuss his concerns.

On to a completely different subject.

Are you a turtle? If any one out there can answer this correctly, please send your response to my email address I'd be very interested to learn how you joined the Turtle Club.

That's it for my Friday foolishness. Have a good TGIF.

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