Tuesday, January 11, 2005

St. Anthony, St. Anthony, Something's Lost and Has been Found

Horizon Airlines "Lost and Found" department has an awesome staff. Thanks to them, I now have my lost purple coat. The mystery was solved yesterday morning when I received a call from Bernie in Boise, announcing, "Marianne, we have your coat."

And the best news was that it had been sent directly to Boise right next to the airport after someone found it in the luggage compartment for my flight to Seattle. I learned from the staff yesterday that all lost items from Horizon's flights go to the Boise center. They've had rounded up more than 900 in the past year. So, that made me feel better, knowing a few other dingle-fritzes leave stuff on planes only to discover their oversights later.

The crew there told me about a recent find involving an old, beat-up cell phone that had fallen down between the seats on one flight. The lady who lost it didn't care so much about the phone as she did her dad's message on its voicemail. It was his last telephone message to her before he died a few days ago.

In another case, they'd held a lost ring for about a year. Finally, an elderly lady claimed it, saying she'd taken it off and put it in her lap while taking a nap on a flight. It slipped to the floor while she slept. She was very happy to see the ring a year later because she'd worn it for 60 years. Her husband, who had since died, gave it to her.

Retrieving my coat was not nearly as poignant, but I was ecstatic, nonetheless. I'll probably write a letter to the Horizon vice president to let him know how appreciated their service is.

The awards luncheon at Boise's Doubletree was poignant, as Sue Self Scully tearfully thanked her family for their support and then introduced me, saying there's always someone who inspires us to go into education. To say the moment was satisfying is an understatement. Afterward, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Marilyn Howard (a very nice lady, indeed) came over to my table and shook my hand. A great trip and a great day.

Now that I'm safely back home, I'll be burning the midnight oil, completing two assignment deadlines this week and two more within the next two weeks. No rest for wicked freelancers----ever!

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