Tuesday, February 08, 2005

No Complaints

It's Feb. 8, and I haven't heard myself complain once this winter. Now, if I were a downhill skier, that could be a different situation. We, who like to get outside and walk or ride our bikes, have been very fortunate.

There's something about three or four feet of snow, and the accompanying cooped-up feeling, that just plain does not agree with my system. Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy cross country skiing and snow shoeing.

When the sky is deep blue and the snow is dry, I love to take off from my porch across the fields. The moments of stopping for a breather and beholding the gorgeous mountains all around me make me almost giddy, as if I'm viewing the scene for the first time.

Still, bare roads and the daily opportunity to take off any direction afoot or atop my bike surpasses snow experiences any day. So, I do not complain. My open-road sense of freedom from four restricting walls runs bountiful this year. I'm loving it.

The same goes for my family who have been spared from my perennial winter whining.

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