Monday, February 21, 2005

The Presidents' Day

So, Bill's home today because of the Presidents. I haven't seen him giving thanks to them, but I'm sure he's happy to have an extra day to catch up on his Presbyterian work and his Society of American Forester projects.

He is like a president to both entities, so it seems fitting he should be sitting over at his desk thumbing through a large three-ring binder notebook, attending to executive duties. They call him "clerk of the session" at the Presbyterian Church. From what I've been told, through several "Thank you for letting us have Bill this year," statements, I already know the job involves a lot of time.

With the SAF group, he's called president. He and his buddy Boz go to Coeur d'Alene every month for the meetings. And, I know they spearhead a lot of projects which create good public relations for the group. One includes selling boards at each year's Timberfest in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity.

They also talk A LOT about root rot and bark beetle infestations, so I never offer to go to any of those gatherings. Still haven't gotten too passionate about either subject.

Anyway, it's a beautiful Presidents' day, and I'm sure my husband's going to get a lot of Presidents' stuff completed during his extra time off.

I'm also sure that the instant I leave this computer, he'll be right over here to open up his geocaching website to see if any new caches have been stored. Yesterday we went to "drop-dead gorgeous" Talache where a cache was hidden behind a huge Ponderosa pine along the public beach.

It took him a while to find it, so I just stood alongside the shore and absorbed the beauty and silence of Lake Pend Oreille and its gorgeous snow-capped mountains.

Not a bad life!


Anonymous said...

Carol and I went for a drive yesterday afternoon to enjoy the wonderful day. We ended up north of City Beach at the old Humbird Mill site. We haven't been there since 1986 when Carol took a series of scenic photographs of the old foundations of the mill. I agree whole heartily that it was a wonderfully beautiful day to enjoy with one's loved one.
Gary & Carol Pietsch

MLove said...

Hi, Gary,

Thanks for the comment. Would you believe that when we came back from Talache we drove down to the same area? Didn't get out of the pickup, but Bill did point out one of his geocaching sites on Greenhorn Mountain while we were parked there.

What's your email address?