Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday Mush

Well, nothing really profound is consuming my mind this morning---as if anything I write about is profound. It seems to be to me at the moment, so I guess temporarily profound will do.

The most profound event over the weekend was Mother Nature's reminder that man-made declarations of spring mean nothing if she's got a different agenda. Apparently she did, so we endured the blast of frigid air and accompanying 3-4 inches of snow.

The ground outside is "pinto" this morning with swatches of resilient white stuff mixing in with the dull early-spring green grass. I suspect by noon most of the snow will be gone.

The weather change from yesterday morning through afternoon was profound. My layers of clothes proved too cumbersome by the time we reached Coeur d'Alene's Costco. Intense sunshine and 55 degrees was most welcome after the two days of yuck.

Our Costco adventure netted a good visit with Frank and Pauline Delamarter and Dick and Betsy Ross. Both Dick and Pauline (teachers) had been to a computer conference in Seattle. We also have enough Zip Lock bags for a year's worth of lunches and for storing lots of frozen veggies from the garden.

The other profound event this morning seems to be the feeding-tube controversy in Florida. Definitely a sticky issue, but the one sure item that surfaces is the need for a "living will" if a person feels strongly about controlling destiny when no longer in control.

Bet the lawyers are loving this story and counting the potential dollars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know about your reluctance to discuss anything political, so I'll keep my comments short. Thousands of families every day have to deal with a similar situation sadly. Without a living will in place, (and can you believe anyone would prepare a will to say please prolong my life no matter the expense or my condition?) the spouse has the legal authority to make decisions, which is what happened. Even my most republican family member thinks this is all a political ploy back in WA, and dislikes the action of the Bush admin last night. I can't help but think that she would not want to be paraded around and used in this manner. Sad story.