Saturday, May 14, 2005

Marvelous Marriott

This Marriott connection is pretty nice. Because of Annie's employment with the corporation, her family can take advantage of a substantial discount for any Marriott facility.

Last fall, we stayed in the Seattle Waterfront Marriott for a fraction of the regular cost. A month ago, Mother and I enjoyed an economical three-day stay at Kalamazoo's Fairfield Inn. And, now we're enjoying the brand-feel of a Boise Residence Inn. It's a gorgeous facility, which feels like home.

Thank you to Annie, who, according to her fascinating stories of working the front desk, earns this perk. She kept us in stitches last night while recounting details of some of the more memorable customers and their peculiar needs/demands. I made sure this morning to tell our front-desk lady how much we appreciated her efforts after hearing Annie's inside view of meeting the hotel crowd.

Bill has gone searching out a geocache at the mall. Annie's in the shower, and soon we'll get dressed to attend the graduation. After the ceremony ends, we'll go to the park for a giant picnic. Willie's in charge of the beans, and from what I've seen of past picnics coordinated by Debbie's family, we won't starve.

Happy Saturday all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like fun.