Thursday, May 05, 2005

Zap day, in more ways than one

Off to the Hair Hut on what's NOT a slow-news day. We thought we had a big one, worth lots of mileage in that Wal-Mart pepper spray incident. Pepper spray has long dissipated in comparison to this morning's expose about the mayor of Spokane and his sexual exploits with younger men.

By the time my hairdresser and Pend Oreille Lake's pike minnow queen Joyce Campbell has time to get me looking like a scary woman with her plastic bag and crochet needle, this story about Mayor West will streak around the nation. As already indicated by my new Spokesman-Review blogging team, Matt Drudge will be featuring it with a siren symbol before the morning's out.

And by the time, Joyce blow dries my newly zapped mop top, the story will be the topic of discussion in every coffee klatch in the Inland Northwest. Spokane seems to have a glut on pedophiles in trusted places. I'm guessing the city may have a new mayor sooner rather than later after this thorough investigative report makes the rounds. Zap, they got him!

Once back home, zapped with hair highlights for another two months, looking ten years younger, I'll be looking for the route this story takes as the day unfolds. Nothing gets a journalist's juices going with more intensity than a big story. This one's definitely big time for the Spokesman-Review.


Anonymous said...

Well, its interesting in an uncomfortable way, to say the least.
The saddest and strangest parts of the story are charges of pedophilia from accusers. I expect there will be follow-through from law enforcement on those.
I have to interject a political comment, even though I know you avoid politics like the plague. This article points out the hypocrisy w/ right wing zealots that is so repugnant to me. They claim virtue and superiority, but in the "me-thinks he doth protest too much" vein, (Shakespeare?), too often they are revealed for what they are. What they are too often it seems, are confused bigots.
I expect he is not a happy man this morning, and I'm still trying to decide how this story should've been presented. Big story; interesting if salacious. I'm curious to know if SR went to the authorities w/ the allegations, or if they felt a responsibility to do that first. Many of the accusations are criminal. Still, it seems well-researched and verified, I'm sure their attorney made sure of that.

Anonymous said...

sue, two words for the leftist in you--Bill Clinton.