Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Happy Birthday, Margarete

Today is my friend Margarete Raiha's birthday. All I'll divulge is that she IS older than I. I've known Margarete for at least 30 years but have treasured her as a good family friend ever since our house burned down in December, 1984. She was among the multitude of caring people who appeared at my mother's home within the next few days offering gifts and supplies to help us patch our lives back together.

She also brought THE COOKIES. I'd wager to say that Raiha family Christmas cookies are like no others exchanged here in North Idaho. Raiha family cookies are individually and impeccably wrapped, then placed neatly on a festive tray. They're German in descent just like Margarete who came to the United States when she was a junior in high school. Margarete's a lot like her cookies----especially impeccable and meticulously proper.

It takes a while to get to know this well-read, attractive woman who looks as if she just walked off the pages of a Coldwater Creek clothing catalog. She even had that uptown look long before she went to work for Coldwater Creek as a customer service agent. Since then, she's gained experience in various departments and, most recently, as administrative assistant to a couple of the company honchos, including Mel Dick, the CFO. His wife owns Cafe Trinity in Sandpoint, by the way.

It would seem that Margarete and I are a total mismatch as friends. She's so sophisticated and cultured; I'm so country and clumsy. Nonetheless, we've enjoyed a good bond over the years through our kids, our outdoors-loving husbands, and my dad who used to hang out every Saturday at her husband Rauno's Pend Oreille Sport Shop talking guns and hunting. I've been privy many, many times during our visits to the magnificent sense of humor that lingers beneath that outward shell of Margarete's seemingly guarded persona.

I also have a houseful of items that remind me of all our birthday luncheons and Christmas gift exchanges over the past 20 years. Candles, placemats, paintings, and those kitchen items with apple themes, reflecting my teacher role. I taught all three Raiha children---Andy, Dan, and Deanna. Had some of them throughout their high school career as English students and then graphic artists or journalists.

During our mutual birthday luncheon with Margarete's sister Maya last week at Hidden Lakes, we exchanged news on what our grown kids are doing these days. I learned that Andy, a U.S. Coast Guard commander, has just assumed command of his own vessel out of Astoria, Ore. Margarete is justifiably proud of him, as she is of Dan, the computer man for the Idaho Dept. of Lands, and Deanne, an engineer in Alaska.

Several times over the past couple of decades, the Raihas and the Loves have gathered at Margarete and Rauno's beautiful Sunnyside home for the annual New Year's Eve party. The family members prepare a feast, heavily accented with fish dishes and good wine for the regular attendees who've been showing up for years. One does not go home hungry, and one always can count on traditional touches to the evening from Margarete's Germany and Rauno's Finland.

I cherish my long association with Margarete and her wonderful family. That friendship began because of her caring spirit of generosity, and, of course, because of THE COOKIES, which Bill, especially, savors every single year.

Happy birthday to my dear friend, Margarete.


Anonymous said...

wow - nice to know I share a birthday with such a neat woman...like to meet her someday...Happy Birthday to US!

MLove said...

And to you from us, Dott with your two T's. Have a happy day.

Margaret knows Margarete; she's gone to lunch with her a time or two.