Saturday, October 22, 2005

Golden carpet

The mountains to the west are socked in with low-hanging fog. The sun has yet to rise. At least half the aspen leaves have not fallen. Nonetheless, today promises to be an autumn delight---65 degrees and sunny. In the past couple of days, my front lawn has turned into a growing carpet of green and gold as the trees give in to cold nights and slowly but steadily let go of their annual adornment.

That means work this next week. The rake will come out. My shoulders will get tired and my hands calloused from thousands of repetitive motions to remove that temporary carpet before heavy rains glue it to the ground and wash away the color. It's times like this that I wish for a huge central lawn suction machine that could be plugged in and set into action. Instead of days spent raking, this machine would suck up that leafy carpet within minutes.

Since I haven't heard of one of those on any of the infomercials, I'll have to settle for one more year's worth of raking. But since only half the leaves have fallen, I've got some time to think about my upcoming achy arms and leafy toil. I'm just going to enjoy today. We don't have many of these left for 2005 before the dark ages take over. Such glorious days must not be wasted.

So, I'm just gonna shut up, get this body moving, and wish everyone a wonderful Saturday wherever you are.


Anonymous said...

Until that rider mower gets fixed , you might consider a blower that has a reverse switch which sucks up the leaves and makes mulch of them as they land in the bag. You have to carry the contraption with a shoulder strap. Wish you were closer, I'd give mine to you because I have too much sand, dirt and gravel (and no grass) in my "orchard" & it makes a big noise when something other than leaves hits the mulcher part. Reminds me of that gruesome scene from Fargo and gives me a headache! So I'm back to the good old fashioned rake too!

Anonymous said...

PS. I ate some of the most fabulous raspberry jelly this weekend. I had to check Fred's bag when he left to make sure he didn't steal it!