I wrote the first draft of today's posting and then got rid of it. The posting dealt with a topic that has me enflamed at this time. I learned a long time ago that it's wise when you really speak your mind, to sleep on it before allowing anyone besides your immediate family to read it. In this case, I didn't sleep on it. I knew what I'd written was not appropriate for this blog.
At least, I feel better now, having penned my true thoughts and reading them out loud to Bill. Once done, I hit the "delete" button. Now, Bill and I and maybe a few other family members or friends will be privy to those thoughts. And, maybe with time, I'll work my way out of feeling the way I do about a certain situation.
It's wise, at times, to hold back on spewing out what we're "really thinking." In so doing, we give ourselves time to continue investigating other perspectives in hopes of altering our one-sided, strong opinions. Unfortunately, a complete change of opinion rarely happens because of how we're individually grounded.
Our personal views evolved from individual experiences and history. Everyone's history is a bit different, and knowing that is half the battle to understanding and respecting those whose views differ with our own.
So, I write this second draft, based on a decision to abandon an earlier urge to tell it like I see it on my morning blog.
I think the "delete" button "saved" me this morning. And, since it's the one dry day of this week, I'll leave my earlier fury behind and go out and make it a good one.
Some days are Roses
some days are thorns...
hope the rest of your
day, is rosy...
You are a wise woman to vent and hit delete. Sometimes, I swear, counting to ten doesn't help...I have to count to a thousand! I just know you went out and made yourself a great day!
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