Yesterday has passed without incident, and Dec. 21 ranks up there at the top of the list for me. No longer, after today will we be losing daylight until June 21. We've made it through the dark ages and will come out into the light once more. That makes me happy.
And, on this particular Dec. 21, the first day of winter, we're also transitioning from the month-long deep freeze into balmy high 30s. Of course, here in North Idaho, we'll be challenged to stay upright when we step outside this morning. The chill before the balm yesterday meant freezing rain forming a crusty, icy layer on top of powder snow.
So now, the fields with their top layers resemble white brownies straight from the oven, while all well-trod trails, packed down to solid ice and polished off with the rain, lay in wait to send us sliding. Bill reminded me that the ice claws for my boot bottom are on the picnic table. I'll not forget.
Today, my December "Love Notes" column "Glad Tidings and Great Joy" will appear on the website by late afternoon at the same time The River Journal hits the streets in Sandpoint. For those who wonder why there's been no mention of Rowdy Buechner since my ongoing National Finals blitz, I've also written a feature about him, which will appear just below the column on the website. So check 'em out at ( and click "Love Notes."
Annie comes in late tonight from Seattle. Her high school friend Ann Elizabeth Miller is flying in from Los Angeles and will drive our Annie home from the airport. Tomorrow, Annie will probably go to Colburn to help Grandma Tibbs finish off the tree decorating. And, tomorrow Kevin and Joyce will come from Frenchtown, while little brother Jim, the cartoonist, arrives from Grants Pass.
Big brother Mike and his wife Mary will be celebrating the Christmas holiday in Plummer with Laura, Sefo and the triplets, so we expect to see them soon. And, his other daughter Maureen, her hubby Sean and boys Tanner and Rory will arrive in Sandpoint on Dec. 26. I think that means we'll be seeing a lot of family over the next few days.
Willie and Debbie will be in Boise where Debbie's grandfather isn't doing so well. So, we're keeping them in our thoughts and hoping for the best.
I said this would be short, so I've got just one more item to share about family happenings. Kiwi heard from her real mother yesterday. "Sam" the mother of all Border Collies at the McNall residence went to her Santa's workshop and crafted Kiwi a beautiful dogbone for Christmas. It's hanging on the tree, and Kiwi was pretty thrilled.
So that's the long and the short of it on this first day of winter, 2005. Don't slip on the ice and have a good day.
This is Patches, from the Britton household. Mom said I could finally have a blog so we spent yesterday trying to figure this thing out! I am tired, time for a nap! Mom says to tell you she is furry glad the cold is gone!!
My first thought this A.M. as I turned on the furnace to heat the house above 57, was "YAY! Now the days will start getting longer!" I appreciate all the great visuals your blog affords me of the snow, ice and Northern Idaho's winter. If you remember our driveway in the 60's, you know I spent more than one morning shoveling and rocking myself out of the ditch on either side! These are all happy memories. Today it will be 78 here in the desert. Merry Christmas to you and your family & I hope Santa is good to you!
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