Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Well, folks, wouldya believe this used to coach basketball at Sandpoint High School? The one on the left, that is. This is Mr. Bill Adams, and he was out standing in Sheri Williams Remmers' field just a couple of weeks ago training Sherri's bull. Look for him and the bull at your local county fair.

Update, Feb. 22: Okay, so maybe Bill's leading the cow---not the bull. I heard the bull gored him in the thigh during one of their training sessions a few weeks ago. Anyway, this two miniature bovines are husband and wife, and it seems Bill helped the wife deliver a baby around 9 p.m. last night. It's black. Explain that one, Farmer Bill or Mini Bull---whoever has the answer!
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Anonymous said...

I cannot believe my eyes, Bill Adams? I last saw Bill in 1975, I had the pleasure of playing basketball under Bill. It was Bill Adams who helped me through some very rough times when I lost my father in my senior year. I have only the fondest of memories of all the SHS staff and how they helped me keep my focus through troubled times. Ms. Brown, you made me smile in my darkest moments. I am suppose to be working right now, but happened to stumble upon this blog. Just dumb luck I guess. Oh how I miss Sandpoint. It is although 68 degrees outside right now here in the Napa Valley. Thank you for the picture of Bill. I will return to this blog again in hopes of seeing some more familiar faces. Yours, Bob Dunn, Class of "75"

MLove said...


So good to hear from you. Several of your classmates read this blog, including Julie McCormick Knox and Steve Gill. I hear from Steve when I make a mistake, specifically where the Green Bay Packers are concerned.

I'll pass along your message to Bill, and I know he will appreciate it. Such nice thoughts. Drop me a line and let me know what you're up to.

Marianne (Miss Brown)

Anonymous said...

Marianne, I am still making wine in the Napa valley. I will be 49 years young on Saturday. I dream about moving back home everyday.(Careywood)I am sorry I missed the reunion last summer. I am looking forward to a road trip with Patte in July and spending time in Sandpoint and out on the property.Maybe I can drop a bottle of wine by on my way through. Will stay in touch, Bob

MLove said...

Sounds good, Bob. The reunion was phenomenal. You would have had a wonderful time. Sure, I'll take a bottle of your wine. Stay in touch.