Thursday, May 04, 2006

Annie Annie Over

Sometime tomorrow my daughter Annie and her friends Rachel and Kelsi are coming over Snoqualmie Pass from Seattle for a quick weekend in Sandpoint. Kelsi will be visiting with her Sandpoint family while Annie and Rachel will spend the weekend here at the Love house.

Annie and Rachel both work for Marriott Corp., which offers a nice perk of discount rates at any Marriott anywhere. That's why we were able to stay in luxury on our Texas trip in February. It's a pretty good deal when you're in the family of a Marriott employee, and we've definitely enjoyed the opportunities.

Now, this weekend, however, I'm offering a much better friends-and-family rate than Annie's hotel execs. If she can afford to get her Mazda over here, the rest is free. No measley 75 percent discount here at the Love house. And, for that gas-money sacrifice, they'll each get a bed and a cat to snuggle up around their toes (if they want the cat that is). Lonesome and Festus are always happy to nestle in with folks during the night.

They'll also have their choice of Second Avenue Pizza or a trip to Jalapenos where Annie worked a few years back. Of course, if Annie insists on her Tostinos pizza for breakfast, she'll have to go get that herself. They're hoping also to squeeze in a horseback ride at Colburn while visiting Grandma and Annie's Aunts Barbara and Laurie. Of course, that means setting aside time in advance to bake Grandma a batch of Annie's ANZAC cookies--if we have all the right ingredients, that is.

I have a feeling that Annie's Mazda may go through a tank of gas between Friday night and Sunday morning cuz Rachel's never been here. She's from California, so I'm sure Annie will want to show her as much of beautiful North Idaho as possible. That means there might even be some geocaching adventures mixed in with the tour. That also means that Miss Kiwi should have plenty of fun tagging along with these two as they check out downtown and all the surrounding areas.

It's gonna be a fun time for all of us because the weather will be nice during most of their stay. This is also a breath-takingly beautiful time of year for a visit with a new crop of healthy green grass growing almost before our eyes along with fruit trees and shrubs bursting into bloom. There may even be some actual warmth to go along with the sunshine. I have a feeling Rachel will like Sandpoint as she gets the free whirlwind tour from a consummate tour guide.

Then, it will end, all too quickly. Early Sunday morning, they'll point that Mazda toward Spokane where they'll run in Bloomsday and then head back to Seattle. When it's over, I'm hoping they'll rave to all the folks at the Courtyard Marriott about the cut rate but more than ample and inviting accommodations they found in Sandpoint.

Come to think of it, we'll even offer them bed choices---either the motorhome or the house. What a deal!

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