Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Do it for the Burches

Tonight "American Idol" starts at 8 p.m. on the Fox entertainment channel. Just two weeks remain until the 2006 American Idol is chosen by America's voters. Almost since its beginning, the show has attracted millions of diehard fans who reflect all segments of our population, including age, religion, race, culture, etc.

I can't really explain my own fascination for the show, but it's been a "must watch" at my house every week for the past four seasons. It doesn't matter to me how many times the producers decide to have a show or what time slot it happens to fill, I'm watching. And, I know from lots of conversations, I have some good company in my addiction.

This year's "American Idol" has garnered more significance than ever in many households across North Idaho because there's a North Idaho connection. I mentioned in a post fairly early in the "American Idol" season that Katharine McPhee's grandparents have lived in Sandpoint and still maintain their ties here.

I can also tell readers Bill and Gloria Burch are fine and generous people whose buttons have been popping as their granddaughter has continued to succeed in her quest to be the American Idol for 2006. Yesterday, I received a note from Gloria. She had sent it to a host of friends who've been following Katharine and happily dealing with a big ongoing dose of "McPheever." In Gloria's words:

Wow! It's getting scary but exciting. Sure do appreciate your votes and support. Gloria and Bill

I wrote back and told her I'd seen her a couple of weeks ago sitting with Katharine's parents. I also asked her to pass along a few thoughts about the whole experience. She sent the following note:

It was fun to be there and see all that goes on before and during the show but prefer to see it on TV. You can hear and see much better. We waited after to see the contestants, and I gave Paris a big hug not knowing she would be off the next night.

They will all go on tour this summer and will be coming to the Tacoma Dome on Sept. 2. There are so many from here that want to go we will probably charter a bus. It is getting so exciting now. We think she will win, but if not, she will have a career for sure. Hard to believe she has come this far. Of course, we always thought she was very talented. She was always singing.

We were just in Spokane for the past four days. Bill received an Honorary doctorate of laws at the law commencement at Gonzaga on Sat. Most of our family were there and lots of friends. It was so special for him. Love Gloria

Needless to say, it's been a big week for the Burches. Of course, like so many folks who know and admire Gloria and Bill, I'd love to see their granddaughter win it all over the next couple of weeks. She's definitely talented and beautiful, but she needs America's votes. So, if you're so inclined, watch the show tonight and follow the instructions for voting. Catch the McPheever and enjoy Katharine's ride.

It would be fun to see her win. I'm sure her grandparents will appreciate your support more than anyone.

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