Saturday, August 19, 2006

Picture time

Oh, to heck with it. I tried to make the picture layout below look less like I'd gone on an LSD trip this morning, but like my learning curve with weed eaters (note yesterday's post), it's gonna take a while for me to figure out my new version of Picasa (downloads photos to blogs).

So, bear with me on the photo captions which ended up all over the page and mixed into yesterday's posting. Oh well, now that I know weed eaters and that Cis is gonna get me a brand name for a better, less menacing weed eater, I can concentrate on learning the new Picasa.

In the meantime, enjoy the photos below. I finally got them processed, and they represent the past couple of weeks of our Love life and life at the Lovestead.

On another note, if anyone in the area knows anyone in the area or even out of the area who might be missing a Mother dog and four assorted pups, my mother would like to see them. Seems Mama Dog and her babies showed up on Mother's new deck yesterday morning--one by one. She went out and had words with them. They left in single file, went down the driveway and headed east.

Last night I got a call from Mother.

"Do you have any dogfood?" she asked. Seems Mama Dog and her babies checked out the neighborhood and decided Tibbs Arabians was where they're gonna be-----until someone claims them, that is. So, if you're in the area and know someone crying over missing dogs, give my mother a call.

In the meantime, they're all named, and they're all receiving tender loving care. The pups, who are well-mannered and who represent every canine ilk from Australian Shepherd to Rottweiler to Pitbull, agreed to pose as props for Miss Natalie's senior pictures. Natalie asked my sister to take her pictures, and she's even talking about taking Lola. "Lola's" Spanish for "lazy," I'm told. One of the salt-and-pepper-colored pups is not ambitious, according to reports.

Lots of animal stuff going on in the neighborhood. A herd of about 15 shrieking turkey hens and their half-grown polts caught my horses off guard yesterday as they crossed the field from the Cauble's to the Meserve's. The horses finally got over it, and the turkeys, after I went out to visit them, passed through the fence.

And, the two fawns that reside in the Green's field next to my mother's are well behaved. I think their mother told them where to lie down and to stay put because they were in the exact spot at 8:3o last night where their little nubbins had been sticking up at 4 when I drove by in the afternoon.

Jack Filipowski's bull wasn't quite so obedient. Seems when my sister Laurie drove down to our house for dogfood, she spotted an errant Hereford in the roadway. That was about 7 o'clock. About 9 o'clock, Jack, his wife Colleen and the neighbor man, Buddy, were still circling in on the wayward bull.

Some geese down near our old place were just flying along like geese do when they met their demise yesterday. Seems the Quest Kodiak was coming in for a landing, and when the plane's motor revved up, the geese got scared and flew right up into the front of the plane. One died and the other lost its wing.

The maimed geese dropped to the ground at the school bus shop parking lot just south of the runway. I heard that the Kodiak went into the Quest plant for a thorough inspection of possible damage. Haven't heard the outcome.

It's been a busy time for wandering animals in Center Valley and for geese flying near runways. I hope all is calm by this evening because we want to go to the wild and rowdy Bonner County Fair Rodeo.

Happy Saturday and do enjoy the photos.

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