Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Already tired

Annie called last evening to report on how her first day on the job went yesterday. She was walking home after the group had gone to celebrate a co-worker's birthday. She figures that it will be fairly easy to get her work done without feeling a lot of stress. Only two people came to the door. The staff communicates by Internet Messenger so it's pretty quiet at the office.

She's anxious to get acquainted enough to help out with marketing and with ideas for the company which is coming up with new concepts to develop already popular ways to have fun with GPS devices. She was measured for a staff jacket, and they're paying her bus fare to work. She felt pretty good about the day and the future with Groundspeak.com.

While we were visting, the suddenly ubiquitous Hillary appeared on the television screen. Of course, I commented about having to see her, hear her, read about her for the next umpteen months. I told Annie that it seems there's no escape from Hillary. Then, my daughter interjected an even more revolting thought----that it could be ten years before she goes away. I groaned.

"Now, you know how I felt about George Bush," she added. "It's your turn, Mom."

By now, readers may have figured out that I don't like Hillary. Never have. Never will. The mere image or mention of the woman turns my stomach, and my stomach's still not feeling up to snuff. An aside: is anyone else suffering from this flu that keeps on giving?

Back to the topic. I've been a Democrat. I've been a Republican. I've even refused to vote for the candidates listed for President on the ballot. I think that rebellious act occurred back when Nixon was running against Humphrey. I may have voted for Pat Paulson that year because he seemed like a much more palatable choice. Most of the time, I'm pretty moderate. You might call me old fashioned in that I look at the individual long before I care what party he or she represents.

It seems that during all those years of my voting eligibility that we have never been subjected to nearly so much misery as we face when it comes to electing our next President. Why must it take two years and one hundred thousand million billion dollars to do it? Why do we have to endure the posturing, the sound bytes, the photo ops, the constant analysis of every word, every grimace, every piece of clothing, every slip of the tongue (intentional or not), the fawning of candidates in the midst of those who will make them look good along with the fawning of all those smiling psychophants who will make them and themselves look good.

Then, come the gimmicks. I'm already tired of hearing how sitting at a nice couch in a living room encouraging "conversation" makes a better candidate. That strategy seems to have replaced past years where "good ol' boys" dressed in plaid shirts and jeans and propped themselves in front of bales of hay. Now, we have two years of couches and conversations to endure. I just don't know if I'm up for it.

Give me Barack Obama. I'll take him any day over Hillary. So far, he hasn't resorted to gimmicks, and long before he ever even thought of running for President he wrote a book about his life, which these days would be considered a "tell-all." After all, he has already told people he smoked marijuana. He has avoided the public relations blitz of making up some stupid story that he may have smoked a joint or two but failed to inhale.

He seems intelligent. He seems refreshing. He seems to me like a natural leader who could unite. I've often heard, "but he lacks experience" to which I look back on all those experienced souls who've been leading our country and if we're in such bad straits what good has all that experience done. Sometimes fresh ideas along with fresh faces can breathe some healthy fresh air into an institution.

Right now it seems that Obama poses great fear among the Democratic establishment. So, during this very early stage of the Presidential race, which is nearly two years away, we low life, easily impressionable voters are being carefully subjected to all the phantom skeletons hidden in his closets wherever in the world his roots have been planted. There must be something really wrong with this man, and we must find it and reveal it early on so that we can discredit him and make those couch conversations on the Internet look that much more appealing.

There. I've done it. I have now confessed publicly of my disdain for Hillary and have revealed a small portion of my present thoughts as I begin to endure and dread this next Presidential election. Lord knows, I've got plenty of time to formulate a lot more opinions, so from time to time, maybe even when my stomach's not turning, I'll throw out a few more tidbits for folks to chew on and maybe even some reasons to chew me out for my thoughts.

I'll happily take a penny or even a nickel for my thoughts. Pretty insignificant when we consider how much we're going to pay for the next two years of political indigestion. And, if there's anyone out there that can give me any remote reason to change my mind about Hillary, the door is open.

Anyone? Anyone? I'll even welcome conversation from Hillary.


Anonymous said...

The greatest pleasure I had in voting was last time around. On the Dem was an educated fool, and on the Rep. side we had a man with a smirk... as I looked at my voting sheet (we still have written ones) I wrote what made my heart sing. NONE OF ABOVE. I figured it would be the only time I would get to do that. I have voted for the lesser of the two evils..but this one gave me great pleasure.
I, too, like what I see in BHO. And he is the same age as Kennedy or close to it. I agree with your deal of how our EXPERIENCED haven't done anything for us.
Hillary? Well, 30 years ago fresh out of college she and a man made a deal. A power deal. And hoped to be the first husband and then wife President of the USA. One half has been done. Now they are working on the other half. At least that is how I see it. It isn't about what they can do for their country. It was about the power.. With BHO I think he would do a good job. And anyone who checks with www.snopes.com and puts in his name they will see the lies that are being passed about him. Yes, they are very scared of him. It would be nice to see some one who really has the country in mind when he runs.
sorry this is so long.

Anonymous said...

And kudos to Annie, as well.

Anonymous said...

The name of the game - any game - is marketing. French fries, hamburgers, t.v. programs, sports teams, etc., etc. - and yes churches included - are "marketed" The basic task for merketing is locate, identify what people will buy. We live, decide, think on the basis of the image the marketer lays out for us. We forget that like a good photograph (perhaps more so in our digital era) the image can be far, far away from the reality it claims to present. I feel like the wretch in the cartoon standing in a landscape of ruin crying out: "Will one of the wise men please step forward"

Anonymous said...

Hillary is scary. She has an agenda and it's all about her and her power trip and who she can kill next. We all know that she and her disturbed husband have killed many people who disagree with them. She makes me sick and when I see her on tv it literally makes my hair stand on end. The fact that the media backs her should be a sign enough to run away from her as fast as you can. There are dozens of people running, make wise choices, don't follow Hollywood and the media's choices.

Anonymous said...

Either way, thank God we'll soon see an end to "Decider House Rules"...

Anonymous said...

Liberal wit is indescribable.

Anonymous said...

Conservative wit is nonexistent...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Mrs. Love if I can't banish Hillary from our communal consciousness or change your mind about her;however, the solution in our home has been the banning of the television with the exception of the on wholesome pursuit of GU Basketball..just a suggestion