Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday mishmash

Annie starts a new job today with Groundspeak in Seattle. Go Annie! Go! Bill broke two jars of Litehouse honey mustard salad dressing when he accidentally knocked them off the cabinet shelf this morning. He bled. Band aides fixed the finger. I stayed far away while he cleaned up the rest of the mess. Harvey's bringing hay today. He wants winter to end because he's tired of plowing snow. He's not alone. Today marks the official start of tax Hell at this house. By week's end, I hope to have that annual dread under control so Ms. Bev (Wright) Kee, CPA can figure out our sad financial news, come March 1. I heard from Dr. Chad McCormick yesterday. Dr. McCormick takes care of ears, noses and throats in Coeur d'Alene. When he goes home, he helps his wife care for their six-month old twin daughters. Chad used to be in our 4-H club. He used to be in my English class, and he threw footballs for Sandpoint High School. He's doing well for himself. As always, I'm proud. Speaking of Chad whose father Dr. Don McCormick was one of our veterinarians, think good thoughts for the great horse, Barbaro. He needs a lot of those as he faces yet another challenge from his Preakness accident. Hang in there, Barbaro! Keokee predicts late February for the book release. It is in its proofreading and cover design stages this week. I cherish this week (especially Wednesday) every year----the end of January. That means letters about the Bypass and all other things that make people mad will get really good in the Daily Blat. That was an observation made by my dear friend Joy O'Donnell who's been gone a year. Joy, I'm doing my best to carry on with your curmudgeonly views of life in Sandpoint. I hope you're proud. Now, let the winter end and spring begin. If I recall correctly, black birds start showing up in early February. I'll be watching the skies and the bird feeders for their return.
Enjoy the pictures. Think flowers. Think spring. Go WINTER! Go ZAGS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got seed catalogs in the mail.. that counts as Spring is coming...doesn't it?