Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lefty reports from the front

Lefty's my name. Imp stuff's my game.
I arrived at Tibbs Arabians yesterday with my pal Dusty. He's pretty unimpressed. All he wants to do is eat.
But I like people, getting into trouble and I talk a lot, just like my new mom.

I was a bit confused when Jane and her helpers put me in the barn with my mom. Then, more people came. Then, my new mom came up to the gate and started talking silly talk with me. A while later, she scrunched me in the corner and stuck a halter on me for the first time ever. I didn't really like that so I reared a couple of times. Then, all those people came and started pushing me out of the stall, leaving my mother behind.

Then, they pushed me toward the trailer. I had no choice but to jump in. Then, they did the same thing to my pal Dusty. He didn't want to come, but he finally jumped in, and I reared again, thinking they'd stop all this foolishness. They didn't. They petted us for a few minutes, then left the trailer and slammed the door in our faces. I didn't like that either. I yelled for my mom, and I could hear her yelling for me, but then I heard a car start up, and I could feel us moving. Then, I couldn't hear my mom anymore.

We moved for a long, long time, and I yelled for a while but when nobody yelled back, I finally shut up. Then, we stopped. All the sudden I saw those two women's faces peeking through the bars at us. They kept doing all that goofy talk like "Oh, they're so cute." Then, they stuck their hands in and tried to pet us, but I decided to pick on Dusty. He didn't like that and put his ears back. Then, we started moving again. We did that for a while, stopped once more and there were those faces staring at us again.

We stopped a third time. That was at a cemetery, where I heard my new mom tell me to whinny and say hello to Harold. I'd whinnied enough by then, so I just kept my mouth shut, but I knew it was an important time. I knew they were showing us off to a fine old horseman, and I'm sure he smiled in his slumber.

We stopped a fourth time, and I could hear strange horses whinnying. Then, I saw another strange lady, who looked a bit familiar, open the door to the trailer. She and her sister snapped lead ropes on us, and we jumped out of the trailer. I reared a couple of times, but that didn't do any good. They just kept telling us to move toward that big red building. Then, my new mom grabbed my lead rope, and that third sister went inside the red building. Suddenly, this great big brown, black and white horse came out and scared us. I figured I'd better mind my manners with him cuz he looked like he was gonna bite me.

She led him back into the building, and Dusty followed him. I stood in my tracks for quite a while and yelled for my mom. She didn't come, so I figured I might as well follow the new mom into the building. It was huge. There was a golf cart sitting in the big open space, and another lady with white hair had a big smile on her face when we walked up to say hello. Finally, those women let us loose, and we went around smelling every pile of apples, hoping to smell our mothers.

I guess we won't see our mothers again, but we sure had a lot of loving last night. We also figured out that leading stuff and even trotted with our new moms a few times. I like the big building. It has lots of stuff to get into, and I can run really fast after I bite Dusty on the withers and he turns around to get me back. He can't catch me, but he doesn't care any way cuz he likes the food here.

I think this place is gonna be okay. I miss my mom, but I'm getting the impression, I'll have some pretty good substitutes.

Talk to you later. I gotta go eat my breakfast and harass Dusty.


Anonymous said...

Are you going to let the "real" Lefty and Dusty (on PHC)know they have horses named after them? I think they would be very pleased!

What a bittersweet narrative - glad they have a great substitute mother!


Anonymous said...

What a sad little story, babies leaving their moms...but I know they will be well taken care of and much loved...they'll adapt fine....congrats! JeanneH

Christy Woolum said...

Will you please send me the URL of your daughter's photoblog. It used to be listed at HBO, but I don't see it there anymore unless I missed it.

raymond pert
