Monday, August 13, 2007

No rest for

I guess I'm growing more wicked with each new week because every time I think there's a slowdown ahead, three more "to do's" pop up in my overbooked mental calendar. After a fast and furious but fun weekend of birthday, anniversary and book celebrations between Boise, Sandpoint and Hope, I've already started on projects for the week ahead.

This Friday night at 7:30 p.m., I'll be at Auntie's in Spokane with another reading and signing. So, that means polishing up another presentation and doing my best to get the word out to folks in the Spokane area. There's a column due for The River Journal---at least, I think there is. I've got a Sandpoint Magazine story about author C.J. Box and his new book based on Sandpoint to research. Before leaving for Boise, I started on a new Appaloosa Journal story about a lady in California. Plus, there's a big writing project for Panhandle Alliance for Education.

I'm already tired thinking about it all, but there's no rest for the wicked, so I'll trudge forward. Next week is also the Bonner County Fair, and I've got cookies to make for a special head-to-head cookie competition with my friend Jenny Meyer. I'll also be at the Fair four days next week (always at 1 p.m. at the Keokee booth) reading from each of my books.

The highlight of the week, though, comes Monday, which means a lot of prep work. Lefty Love will be coming to town. Barbara and I looked at our calendars, and next Monday is the only time either of us have to head over to Ronan, Montana, to pick up our two new little horse buddies, Lefty and Dusty. Their owner, Jane Bohn, is weaning them this week at her Ravenwood Ranch and keeping them up in a pen near her house.

In the meantime, we'll be finding out what kind of feed they need to eat and will plan for their introduction to North Idaho. Labor Day weekend, if all goes well, we'll be showing them at the Bonner County Fair Horse Show. We're hoping they'll be halter broke and leading by then. The excitement about our new little horses is hard to contain-----but we must.

So, I'm gonna sign off this blog and get the ball rolling faster and faster on all those "things to do." Oh, and the garden has plenty of stuff to pick too. First ears of corn for dinner tonight.

No rest . . . have a great Monday.


Anonymous said...

That's retirement for you - busier than when you worked.
I am jealous about the corn, we have two weeks to go before we get our first ears.

Word Tosser said...

Ah, no rest for those who forgot how to say "No, no thank you, but thanks for asking"...
Especially for those who say....
"Oh, you are retired and have lots of time, could you do xxxxxx and xxxx"... yep, got to go practice in the mirror... no thank you, thanks for asking tho. lol