Monday, August 27, 2007

Of babies, elderly enCAMPments, and family fun at the Fair

There's a load of photos on today's posting, but I think they're kinda fun and, in some cases, more than fun---just downright whimsical. So, enjoy this selection taken near the Tibbs farm and at the Tibbs farm where new little guys have a new blue toy.

This little Appaloosa deer stood and talked to me yesterday as I drove by Tina Stevens' driveway near my mother's house. I've never talked to a deer before, and a deer has never talked back, so it was a momentous occasion.

Earlier in the afternoon, Bill and I visited the Camp enCAMPment which turned 100 years old this year. By all admissions from Camp daughters, who penned part of the grand old home's history, it wasn't always so grand. One sentence in the collaborative text suggested that the home sat for a few years as the ugliest house in town with all its peeling brown paint.

But the Camps have done a masterful job restoring, remodeling and enhancing its historic grandeur. Bill thought they needed an old spike from the Humbird days since it was probably functioning full throttle about the same time, so Johanna gladly accepted.

Earlier this weekend many members of the Thompson and Tibbs clans gathered for an evening at the Bonner County Fair. There were the matriarchs and those ever-growing, always charming triplets along with tractors, talking and a little wheelchair dare-devil driving.

Fun weekend, for sure.

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