Friday, September 28, 2007

Out and about

Finally, the blogger gods allowed me to publish some of my recent photos. I'll leave the cute animal pictures for another day. These pictures span from a couple of weeks ago until two days ago, when autumn was making its vibrant presence known.

I figure I captured the "last rose of summer" at the Lovestead; that rosebush, by the way, was given to Mom and Dad Love by Miss Annie Love when we first moved here. It has put out lots of prettiness this summer, and that last rose appeared to me as exquisite with its light coating of frost and the iddy biddy bug taking a petal ride.

Our red maple tree provides daily updates in the downward spiral of leaf life. If I were to post a photo from this morning, the leaves would be about two shades darker than these were showing a couple of days ago.

Obviously, in the bottom collection, I turned indoors at the Dover Community Hall the Saturday before last when Maggie of Dover (bottom photo) hosted a wedding shower for everyone's "little Dover darling," and the Spokesman-Review's reporter extraordinaire Erica Curless.

Please note in that one cheeky shot that I taught both women. I called her "Mrs. Becker." Some people call her "Gort," and others call her Gloria. If she were sitting in my senior English class now (almost 40 years from that first time), she would be called Mrs. Cozort.

Erica's mom Gail and some of the school district bus driver crowd are also among the proud folks wishing Erica well for her upcoming wedding next Saturday at none other than Dover Beach. The Erica-Matt knot will be cinched by none other than Randy Curless, her dad and the mayor of Dover.

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