Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Got tomatoes . . . got horses

I've eaten half of this tomato. Bill took the other half in his lunch. To get an idea of the challenge we had in finishing it off, check the picture below. It was one big tomato. Pictures by Mom Love.

I give photo credits to the 'mater shots cuz all those below were taken by Annie Love when she was here over Labor Day weekend. She sent me the CD this week, and I couldn't resist showing off the horses that showed off at the show.

Now, you'll see Lefty and Lilly and Dusty and April. Dusty and April belong to Barbara, who's wearing the turquoise blazer. My sister Laurie shows Lefty and Lily. And Lefty's part of a corporation. Annie, Laurie and I co-own him. Laurie figures he's gonna be a good dressage horse, and Annie needs a horse to own, and Mom Love just loves Lefty, so it's an ownership marriage made in Heaven, here at the Lovestead.

At the show, Barbara took two firsts with her horses. Yup, Dusty beat Lefty. And, that April----what a mare---she's won the Fair Horse Show grand champion halter mare for seven of her eight years. I've been told that the one year she didn't win was when Barbara was busy talking and forgot to take her into the championship class.

Lefty's got a problem, as readers may notice. He gets himself into a lot of fixes, so he looks like he's been through the first Equine war with all those dings. He also looks a bit rough cuz he's shedding his baby hair---in patches---and one of these days he'll have his permanent color, which is a deep, dark chocolate. You might be able to see a few samples mixed in with the dinged-up hide.

And, I included that last one down at the bottom just to show how big Miss Lily really is. Laurie's about 5 foot, six inches tall. Folks looking at the tomato shot might get the wrong perspective. I measured Miss Lily last night, and she measures somewhere between 64 and 65 inches at the withers, which, in horse height, translates into 16 hands or 16.1 hands, and she just turned 2 on April 2. As Laurie says, she's a monster horse.

1 comment:

Shinie said...

That tomato makes my mouth water! Looks delicious!