Seems like every time we get any substantial rain out here in Selle, we get really erratic Internet service to go along with it. I have not been able to send any mail through Imbris this morning, including birthday wishes to my daughter Annie. They just keep bumping me offline.
So, I'll use the blog---and hope it posts my message of happy birthday to Annie on her 29th. I hope you have a great day, Annie, and that Seattle weather on this day is a bit more pleasant.
We had three things going here this morning. One has been cancelled because of the rain. Bill was going to accompany his forestry buddy T.J. Johnson and T.J.'s new little hunting dog to Bonners Ferry for some pheasant hunting. They both agreed today was not the day. By the way, Bill did bag a pheasant last week. Brought it home and baked it.
We're supposed to have a chimney sweep come at 9 a.m., but I'll bet he bails. After all, our roof is pretty darn steep, and a pretty darned steep wet roof spells disaster, I'd say. So, the chimney will probably wait.
Cherise, the vet, is supposed to come at 9 also to geld little Mr. Lefty. I've told Lefty it's not gonna be a good day. We'll see if the weather or the barn allows her a place to do the surgery. Otherwise, Lefty may keep his manhood for a few more days.
And, the worse part about this rainy weather is that it gives me an excuse to stay inside and get some work done on an upcoming major writing project, along with submitting my upcoming column. BUT the Internet outages may cause those projects to sit for a while too.
Guess I'll go get a new kettle and make some strawberry preserves. My kettle has a bad bottom. I barely made it through with the last big batch of apricot jam, but thankfully it did not get scorched. Tastes pretty good, in fact.
This is definitely a worst made plans of mice and men and chimney sweeps and pheasant hunters and maybe vets and desperate writers' day. So, I'll make the best of it somehow. I see Bill is leaving for work on the day he planned to take off with T.J.
I wish everyone out there a great day on this TGIF. Also, think good thoughts about my birthday girl. We love you, Annie.
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