Monday, March 03, 2008

On bare-ground pond

Well, actually this isn't a pond. It's a flowing stream. You need to guess its name. Hints are available in the photos below. Where did Bill, Marianne, Kiwi and Kea go yesterday to walk on bare ground? Again, a distinct hint graces one of the photos.

It's important for me to remember the sunshine and the sheer joy of walking on bare ground yesterday as I sit here in Annie's upstairs bedroom, noting the first, second and third robins of the year coasting in to the Lovestead through thick flakes of snow. To be exact, my first Lovestead robin sighting for 2008, occurred at 7:44 a.m.

I'm happy to see them because they were busy knocking some of that new snow off the limbs of the cedar-tree border along the road. Now, they're skittering about in the white lawn, knowing those worms are three feet under---the snow, that is. Poor robins. They're probably as disgruntled as the rest of us this morning.

It was hard to be disgruntled yesterday as we took off for a relaxing afternoon of driving and walking with the dogs. Bill noted that this was the first time Kea had had the opportunity to race across open, bare fields and down dirt roads. After all, she arrived here in November, just before the snow. Basically all Kea has known since she lived with us is snow piling up day by day.

Yesterday's outing must have been a culture shock for the little gal, but she adjusted nicely, as did we.

I wish I could adjust to this March 3 snowstorm, which has been going for two hours this morning, and shows no signs of giving up. The worst part is to have read the weather forecast which calls for a snowstorm tonight. What a way to start a day!

Some day spring will come, the snow will disappear, the grass will turn green, and the robins can proceed with their daily duties of digging up worms! For now, they'll just have to subsist on HOPE!


live love laugh hope said...

You went north to the refuge for your bare ground walk! I really miss that drive!

NILove said...

North is correct, Connie, but not the refuge. We talked about Books, by the way, on our walk. Bill had some Larry Book stories to tell from seeing him at the Gun and Antler show.

live love laugh hope said...

Okay, so it's way up North, I think...up at the new waterfowl area at Boundary Creek?? =) That's Port Hill in the background? =) I miss that drive, too, which we usually incorporated into our Refuge drive. We always enjoyed making a day of it, taking a picnic, and enjoying the wildlife and scenery.

NILove said...


JoAnne said...

Details for those of us new to the area please! My dogs would love to walk on bare dirt again!


JoAnne said...

Oh, sorry, didn't see that you answered my question elsewhere!

Thanks so much, I think we'll do a day trip soon! (Hubby is working at Arlo's, trying to get them up and running on schedule)!