Sunday, April 06, 2008

Counting the flakes while turning in to a flake

I love this picture. Look at how little snow is left on the ground. Look at the greenery. Look at all that nice dry area for walking, and it's flat. I took this picture yesterday just to prove that it's true. There is a Santa Claus, and he has dropped off the gift of spring to some people around the Idaho Panhandle.

On our jaunt to go cut some more wood to keep the home fires burning on this Eternal Winter (two new inches this morning), we saw people working in fields. We saw dogs digging in the "dirt" for mice. We saw people burning last year's dead grass as this year's green grass threatens the need for a lawnmower.

Bill still have the snowblower pointed north out of the shop door, ready for the next assault on the driveway. The snow shovels still sit in strategic places---on the deck, near the barn, next to the rake which I, like a fool, brought out a couple of weeks ago.

Did I say yesterday that we had caught up with the progress made before last weekend's snowstorms? Yes, I said that.

Today, I say we have fallen behind once again. That ring of grass where the robins play around the Scotch pine has disintegrated by six feet so far this morning.

Today is the last day of Spring Vacation. I wonder if they'll call school off because of snow tomorrow. I know of people who are coming from the daffodil and tulip country to Sandpoint to spend their spring vacation. Hope they bring along a lot of books to read.

Okay, that's enough. Have a good day. Guess where we went to see the mulies on no snow yesterday. I think we'll go there again today because even if that area is getting this morning's snow, at least, it's not adding to the two-foot concrete perma-snow that drives us flakey every single morning.

Before I go, though, I'm going to bake some cookies for Santa, and if he can dig a hole through the snow on our chimney and bring us some spring, he can have the whole plate.


Anonymous said...

Got it! That place up (Santa cookies)around Bonners Ferry where your Mom drove a Hot Rod Golf Cart!

NILove said...

Nope, close but it's a slight detour from that.