Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy . . . . .

Today Bill turned 58; so did his sister Margaret in California. I think she beat him by a few minutes. Lily turned 3. I forgot to tell her Happy Birthday when I fed her this morning. Lily's kinda cranky so she probably doesn't care about birthdays nearly as much as she does alfalfa. Barbara's horse April turned 9 today.

Keokee Publishing owner Chris Bessler turned ?? . Our family friends, Bill Chambers and Chris Chambers, turned 48 and 46, respectively. Mark down there at Outdoor Connection turned ??, and our former neighbor Chris Feist must be 23 today. I'm sure there's a bunch more, but there get to be so many birthdays during this time, my math-challenged brain forgets some of them.

Anyway, to all I wish a happy birthday.

Bill seems happy with his present. It's a secretary for his flies. What's that, you ask. Well, a secretary is a desk where you can have all your junk out there while working and then if there's not too much of it, you can just pull the lid down and hide the mess.

Tom Anderson of Sandpoint Outfitters gave me the idea of getting Bill a secretary for his flies when I visited the store last week. Tom led me over to a mini secretary he had picked up for his flies. I guess I'd better be more specific---that would be fly tying.

Bill is back into tying flies, and over the winter he takes the stack off the end table, gathers up his tools, lamp and feathers, gathers a chair or two and sits at the sliding glass door tying one on after another.

Bill is very hard to buy for when present time or birthday time comes along. He's gotten a lot of shirts and a lot of gift cards over the years because he always seems to have everything he needs. This time I was proud. I thought up a good gift, I kept it a secret, and Bill really liked it.

It's a nice piece of furniture along with its practical use. We tried it upstairs by the window, but it didn't work out too well because the top of it blocks the window. So, Willie and I moved it downstairs into the bedroom by the window. I did some rearranging, and now the fly-tying secretary looks pretty good in its new home.

And, I must say upon observing Bill at work last night, he's at home with his birthday present. I even put his Brach's malted milkballs inside the secretary so he'd have munchies while tying.

Well, I've got to leave fairly soon with Willie on an airport run, so had better wrap this birthday greeting to all April 2nd babies up. Willie, by the way, was a good sport on his birthday yesterday while accompanied by four females---one grandma, one mom and two aunts--to Kelly's in Newport for lunch. We had a great time and got a lot of visiting done.

Have a great day. It's looking beautiful here in Sandpoint and they're promising 50s. We'll take 'em.

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