Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Birthday, America

Well, our birthday celebration for the country has begun with the first order of business this morning of putting up that beautiful flag at the end of the driveway.

We're planning to stick around here for most of the day, except for maybe a short hike not far from the neighborhood. We want to make sure that none of our animals go ballistic when our neighbors go ballistic with their fireworks celebrations. The past two years haven't presented any problems cuz of that radio being cranked up to drown out most of the noise.

If you have time today or tomorrow, check out Annie's blog at She has summarized last weekend's adventure up Mount Baker, and, of course, she's included some photos.

Happy Fourth to all of you even if you're somewhere around the world where it's not traditional to celebrate baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet on this days. Actually, I think a lot of Americans aren't even tuned in to that, but they sure do know about the fireworks.

Happy Day!
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