Friday, November 07, 2008

Friday funnies

I don't know why I think this is so funny, but I do. Maybe it's cuz of all the gum I've swallowed over the years.
I've often wondered what really does happen once it goes down our throats. Maybe I can take comfort in the fact that it might require an awfully lot of Juicy Fruit, Double Bubble, Blackjack, Wrigleys Spearmint, et. al. to bring about this phenomenon.
In the meantime, it must just sit inside waiting for the build-up.
My posting today includes two forwards, above and below. I'm not a fan of forwards, but that's how some folks enjoy communicating with their friends via the Internet.
Every once in a while one comes along that does tickle my funny bone. I have seen lists similar to the one below---even from my own English class.
One can never underestimate the possibilities for metaphor; they're as infinite as our galaxy, and some perceived images are much more fascinating to envision than others.
So, ponder the visual possibilities as you read this list (below), which came to my in-box from my equine freelance writers' newsgroup.
I hope you get a chuckle or two on this Friday morning, and I do hope that you'll think twice next time you want to swallow that gum. Best to give it to a friend---everybody loves ABC gum.
Right, Willie???
Happy Friday


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

On the show "The Doctors" the other night, the following question about chewing gum was asked. Does it stay in your stomach for 7 years? The, it passes through, just as your food does. That was an old wives tale. I don't chew it because I look like a cow chewing her cud. My mother used to say I was really get mileage out of my gum, snap, snap, snap.......


Word Tosser said...

I use to tell my kids, if they swallowed their gum, that it would stick their belly button to their back bone...