Saturday, May 09, 2009

Saturday Slight

This week sped past at a lightning pace, it seems. I'm trying to think of what I've got to show for efforts of any kind over the past few days. I know I was busy.

Let's see: the west gardens are planted. I did modified raised beds this year for the first time, and I'm using every bit of space available. I call my raised beds "modified" because I'm sure they don't resemble anything created by the master gardeners.

Regardless of their correct form or lack thereof, they'll have an advantage in the bending-over department. I noticed that right off, which is exactly why I decided to follow through on modified raised beds in all gardens. Started on the north garden yesterday, with short rows and wide aisles.

After trying to maneuver a rototiller inside a fenced-in space for the past two years, I decided to follow the local Wal-Mart's lead and widen those aisles. Now, I don't run into too many people while rototilling my veggies, but I have run into a woven wire fence enough times to figure the extra space will make for an easier gardening season.

I did a lot of weed eating with the new tool, and I still love it. I spent a lot of time at the computer working on assignments, but nothing's finished yet. This outdoor stuff kinda eats into the writing progress, but they'll get finished eventually.


Yesterday's main memory will be the ride I took on Laurie's new Buckaroo. Buck, for short, I think. Buck is buckskin, if you haven't guessed. Buckskin, for anyone who doesn't know, is cream-colored with black points. One doesn't see a lot of buckskins, so they stand out, kinda like Blackjack gum.

I really liked my ride. I sat in the back. We left the Lovestead, went down Selle Road to Pack River cemetery, stopped in front of Harold's grave, moved on to Rapid Lightning Creek and the Ginter Fish and Game property. Then, Buck's bottom hit the rocks. Laurie uttered something she would never utter in front of her fifth graders.

So, we turned around and Buck took us home with no more incidents. Laurie's pretty proud of her new purchase. Oh, by the way, Buck is a beautiful 4-year-old with four wheels instead of legs. Laurie bought Buck from Reynolds Used Cars in Sandpoint. Buck originally came from Boise and now lives happily at the Colburn farm.

Buck is a tan VW convertible with a black top, and, let me tell you, Buck has nice lines. A friend, upon hearing about Laurie buying Buck, said, "That is so un-Laurie." Well, yeah, it's a big change from a big white Ford 4 by 4 truck, which will remain in Colburn to be used for pulling horse trailers, etc., but Laurie has dreamed of a Volkswagen convertible for years.

You see, she and Barbara got sold on Volkswagens back in the late '70s-early '80s, when our dad bought them an orange bug from Bob Camp for driving back and forth to Moscow. They loved their bug, and they have plenty of good stories to go along with the memories of all those miles.

So, I'm sure there will be plenty of good Laurie and Buck stories ahead.


This time next week I'll be lounging with family at a resort in Chicago. It's been a busy week getting everything ready for our housesitter, who will remain anonymous because people will not believe I would allow this person to stay in my house unattended, especially after said person spent some time in my house uninvited a few years ago, prompting a story in my latest book "Stay Outa My House."

I must be nuts, but someone's gotta watch after the dogs, cats, horse, tomatoes, cucumbers and growing grass. This particular someone thinks the grass outa just keep growing or that the horses ought to munch on it while I'm gone, but I've told the someone that the neighbors, specifically one down the road, keep track of Marianne's lawn-grooming program, and we wouldn't want to give her a jump on the contest for title of "Best Yard"on South Center Valley Road.

Anyway, it will be fun to be in Chicago for a few days and to meet and visit with dozens of family cousins. Bill and I are accompanying Mother who first expressed the desire to go help her cousin celebrate his 90th birthday. Plus, Jim is coming from Grants Pass, and Annie's flying from Seattle. We plan some sight-seeing in the Windy City too.

It will be especially poignant because the majority of our American family roots started in Chicago after the ancestors left Ireland.


The sun is out, and from what I've seen on the weather forecast, it will be two days of nice weather followed by several days of rain. So, I'll wish you all a happy Saturday and get on my way out the door to enjoy this beautiful day.

Happy Mother's Day to all mommies out there!

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