Saturday, June 20, 2009

Seen in Seattle and Sandpoint

Yup, this is the view from my hotel window. I'd say Seattle is having a crane invasion, and unlike my Facebook friend who started talking about mosquitoes in Minnesota when I mentioned all the cranes, these are not flying creatures.

Nonetheless, they can dominate a skyline. I never noticed until this morning that all the construction cranes have American flags flying on them. That's a nice patriotic gesture.

Anyway, I took a walk around the hotel and snapped some photos.

Got here last night safe and sound, even after driving through the "Mother of all downpours" on the west side of Snoqualmie Pass. After coming out of that---little or no visibility---Seattle's wild freeways looked pretty good, and the car seemed to know where the hotel was too. So, that made it nice.

Today Annie and I will be joining her Groundspeak colleagues at the Fremont Fair and Parade. So, consider this a warning: tomorrow's post could be X-rated. Keep the children in the back bedroom if you feel the need to peek at the "Necked" bodies with their skin all gussied up in painted wonder.

And, speaking of wonder, I still wonder how they can stand those bicycle seats without a stitch of clothing to save their crotches. Maybe someone will answer that questions some day. Maybe a veteran of the bicycle brigade will read this and respond.

Tonight we're going to a Mariners game, and Annie tells me my little camera ought to be able to capture some nice close-up shots because of the seats we have. Am I excited--------yes!

Should be fun.

I also threw in a couple of shots from home just because I like them. All self-explanatory.

Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.

Special note: Check the comment from Chris Pietsch on yesterday's posting. He has put together a photo show of his mother Carol on his family blog. It's lovely.

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