Sunday, July 12, 2009

Gotta go see a show about a horse

Yup, I'm running late this morning. Still have to get my ice chest filled with water, cheese and M and M's. That's the preferred diet for a horse show announcer---this one, at least.

I noticed yesterday that humankind is the preferred diet of those bees, whether or not you put out little treats for them or give 'em a foam bath in bee poison. They still keep coming. I didn't get stung but my friend Moriha did. And, she's a bee keeper.

She's scared to death of hornets and wasps after handling her sweet honey bees all week.

Well, I think they're providing me another can of hornet spray today, and we'll keep our fingers crossed and our eyes open for any dive bombers looking for a human steak to chew off from.

Lily's in a bunch of classes today. How Lily does will be up to Lily. She has the potential to do well, but she also has a mind of her own. So, we'll see.

Am keeping this short, so will wish everyone a Happy Sunday. Maybe I'll have a few Lily shots for tomorrow's posting. I know I can get some close-ups of bees!

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