Tuesday, September 08, 2009

1965 classmate Gary Dunham makes a point. Gary told yesterday of how the family found its way to Sandpoint back when we were all in junior high.
He said he found a couple of paragraphs about Sandpoint in a magazine and showed it to his father.

Soon thereafter, they were moving up this way. He chuckles about how when they arrived at Lake Cocolalla, about ten miles south of Sandpoint, they thought it was Lake Pend Oreille.

They thought they'd found true Heaven in the beauty of Lake Cocolalla.

Then, after realizing they hadn't gone quite far enough, they drove on.

As nearly 100 percent of local transplants will tell you, Gary said, "When we crossed over that bridge, we fell in love."

Gary and his brother Larry now live in Liberty Lake, Wash., after serving in the Air Force and working careers in Tennessee and Kansas, respectively.

Gary also asked me to tell our fellow classmate and friend, Laura Delamarter, hello.

1 comment:

Janis Puz said...

Dad always told the story that he blindfolded Gary and put him in front of a map of the USA. Gary's finger landed on Susanville, CA first and then Sandpoint. The family sold out, packed up and hit the road. And yep, the long bridge was the cincher! How ever it happened, I am grateful because I can't think of a better place to call "home"! And imagine, that invaders from CA were welcomed!