Monday, September 07, 2009

All right, Marianne, be quiet

Well, I wrote a post.
Once again, the blogger gods ate it.
It had the title above, and there was a reason for that title---44 years old, in fact.
Since I have a busy morning, I'm not going to rewrite.
Instead, I'll wish everyone a happy Labor Day.
And, then I'll do as the title implies.
I'll be quiet. Won't even say what's on my mind after losing another posting.
The End.


Anonymous said...

Please consider re-writing. I can't go without a Marianne "fix". Tell us how your son is doing. Does he feel ready for the first day? Do you recall your first day?

NILove said...

Maybe later today. Got company coming, 1965 classmates.

Willie's had his nose to the grindstone ever since he arrived here from Boise Tuesday night.

He's definitely working more than six hours a day, and he hasn't even started teaching.

He's got some neat ideas for his first meetings with students.

More later . . .

Janis Puz said...

I think Mr. Hogan's ghost hit DELETE! (I am assuming he died of high blood pressure shortly after 1965.)