Thursday, September 17, 2009

Of bling and such . . . .

This weekend is the "Last Horse Show of the Season, Period."

This hat will be on my head during the Red Hat and Purple Shirt class, honoring the memory of a dear lady, Elizabeth O'Brien, who always supported the local horse shows, especially as a secretary.

The class continues to grow every year. It's a walk-trot, so it's more fun than anything.

I was encouraged to enter it last year, at the very last minute, in preparation for the generic walk-trot class---my first horse show classes in about 25 years.

Lily did okay, but we were discounted a bit because the hat that was quickly brought from home for my ensemble was pink and not red.

So, yesterday I went to Meyer's Sport Tees, and Nancy fixed me up with this one.

My sister Barbara is planning to ride her 2-year-old in the class too. So, she went to Wal-Mart, bought a kids' cowboy hat and painted it red.

After my sister Laurie heard about the "bling" on my hat, she said she could dress Barbara's painted hat up a bit by glueing on some leftover sparklies from her earlier Western-shirt enhancement project.

You don't have to be nuts to have fun at a horse show, but it sure does help.

Now, I've got to find me a purple shirt.

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