Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend Miscellany

The oak leaves are pretty this morning, just like the day.
We've had a nice weekend, for the most part, and it's just halfway complete.
On a sad note, our hearts are heavy this morning as we think about the loss of Mnisha, Barbara's lovely Arabian mare.
Mnisha lived a wonderful life at Tibbs Arabians.
She shined in the show ring, winning championship after championship at halter.
She shined in the barn year after year when groups of Farmin School kids would come out for their day at the farm, which included a session of grooming the Tibbs horses.
The horses loved it and so did the kids.
Mnisha shined among kids throughout her life, providing many wonderful rides, sometimes the first-ever experience on a horse for little ones.
We all loved Mnisha, but all that put together could not equal Barbara and Laurie's devotion.
Mnisha was 25. She had a bad day yesterday, probably colic, maybe a blood clot. My sisters cared for her throughout the day, with help from our vet Cherise.
She had a good hour or two, and, as Laurie said, she spent some quality time with her friends out in the pasture.
Last night, while Barbara and Laurie came to the house for a break, Mnisha lay down and died.
A great and lovely mare.
May she rest in peace.
Some of the photos below were snapped on a hike Bill and I took yesterday between Grouse Creek and Gold Creek.
We walked about 3.5 miles and spent time following a couple of old logging railroad grades.
The larch/tamarack are beautiful right now.

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