Thursday, October 29, 2009

Time-out for pictures

Almost every afternoon, I give myself a time-out from whatever project is keeping me occupied.

Sometimes it's writing; sometimes, like this past week or two, it's yard work and winterizing.

The time-out consists of getting in the car, often taking my camera and going for a short drive around the countryside.

Sometimes I take my dogs with me; often they just sleep in the back seat while I survey the area on both sides of the road, looking for a picture.

Our outdoor photo ops are few and far between this time of the year, but if we look hard enough, we'll find something.

On my brief afternoon excursions, I often pick a country store as a destination for a cup of coffee and my afternoon chocolate fix.

Usually Twix win out. I like the kind with the dark chocolate and peanut butter best.

One of my other goals during time-out time involves picking a road I seldom drive or, better yet, one I've never ever driven.

I did that the other day and found the photo below. I'd never been on Shepherd Lane, which cuts off to the north from Colburn-Culver.

There was something I wanted to see down that road, so I turned and enjoyed some scenery from a brand-new perspective.

One view included the back side of Schweitzer, partially framed with the golden etchings of hundreds of Larch reaching their peak of colorful splendor. Since we've depended on the Larch to satisfy our need to fall beauty, I've gained a new appreciation, almost matching that of Bill's.

He's loved his Larch for years, while I've been content to allow Birch, Aspen and Cottonwood to overshadow them as my fall favorites.

But this year, the Larch came through with brilliance while the aforementioned paled in comparison.

After capturing the shot of the back runs of Schweitzer, I drove on, with the Samuel Store as my Twix/coffee goal for the day.

Dogs snoozed until I stopped along Colburn-Culver to catch the shot above. Those Selkirks looked mighty inviting, and I was looking forward to a short drive up Pack River Road to catch the Seven Sisters in their pure white glory.

But the clouds rolled in. I bought my Twix, munched on it and sipped the coffee on a return trip to the Lovestead and some more yardwork.

Only two good shots, but still a fun way to spend a few minutes away from the day's work routine.

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