Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday Techno-twitterdeedum

I learned early this morning that my daughter-in-law Debbie (the one on the left) is not feeling well. That was cuz she reported on Facebook seven hours before that she had spent two hours in the waiting room of an "urgent care" place in Boise.

I asked Willie when he got up what was wrong with Debbie. He didn't know, just said she hadn't been feeling good. Later, he looked at his phone, apparently at a text message, and said she was on antibiotics.

We all hope our dear Debbie gets to feeling better. And, as an added boost to her morale this morning, I'm going to lead off with a segment from the Debbie and Paige Show, which comes to you directly from the http://www.thestpexperiment.blogspot.com/ via Facebook.

Izn't that where we learn almost everything these days?

Well, Debbie and Paige, as readers may remember, started their blog a few months ago to generate a little financial support and interest for their 2010 Seattle to Portland bike adventure.

For all locals who don't know Paige, she's an in-law connected to the Ross Hall family. Ross and Hazel's granddaughter, Jonna, is Paige's sister-in-law who also works with the Ross Hall collection www.rosshallcollection.com.

Paige is a graphic artist for the Girl Scouts of America in Boise, while Debbie serves as the GSA's director for youth activities in Boise.

In the past few days, Debbie had the opportunity to meet Idaho Olympic Gold Medal cyclist Kristin Armstrong at a Boise Rotary meeting. In their most recent u-tube video Debbie and Paige discuss Kristin's speech and, of course, put in a few plugs for folks to lend them support for their adventure.

You'll get a chance to see our lovely daughter-in-law in this video, along with her fun sense of humor. These two are quite the team, and I have a feeling their road to STP is going to continue to get more interesting and fun all the time. Check out the u-tube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSPtkyav6Qs

And, dear Debbie, get to feeling better. I didn't feel too guilty about posting the photo since a lot more people will see it on Facebook than Slight Detour.

Speaking of Facebook, how 'bout those pilots???? I'm guessing the following scenario for why they accidentally flew over Minneapolis. Can you imagine the disgust of all those men passengers who couldn't wait to get off the plane to go check out "the bathroom," only to be headed on to Cleveland.

Anyway, since they were using laptops in the cockpit, I'm guessing the pilots were really frustrated like all the other Facebook fans have been with whatever the "new system" is. Over the past several days, it's been severely diminishing our voyeurism and that's making people mad.

A whole new Facebook fan club has been formed, and even I got an invitation to join "Bring Back Normal Facebook."

It is disconcerting to check in to Facebook approximately 12 hours after your last check-in, only to find the same people pondering the same problems with their toenails, talking the same weather patterns or posting the same sites for hating Obama/loving Sarah Palin (whatever your political passion).

Gets to be a broken record, I'll tell you, and I'm betting those pilots were just as frustrated up there in the sky as the rest of us Facebook fanatics on the ground. I'll bet they were trying to figure out why nobody had anything new and juicy to share. It's as bad as television reruns, but at least, those use to be months apart. On Facebook, no news in two seconds is a news draught, and that can disorder a mind.

So, truth be told, the guys are probably joining the fan club for bringing back normalcy to Facebook, cuz they may have a lot of time on their hands here pretty darned soon.

On Facebook yesterday I got a new recipe from my former Ponderette Drill Team captain Cindy Roos Hill. She read that I was peeling apples so she suggested the following recipe:

2 cups pineapple juice
1 cup orange juice
1 cup lemon juice
1 cup sugar
1 cup red hots
1 tsp. cinnamon
Cook until well mixed, remove from stove and start dipping apples that have been peeled, cored and sliced.
(After using the corer/slicer/peeler, stand the whole apple up and slice on one side, making circles). Dip the circles into the sauce, drain, dry.
I noted that it takes about 15-16 apples to fill my dehydrator. Your house will smell so good!
(You'll have to hide them if you want them to last). It makes a nice Christmas gift.
Let me know what you think."

I haven't had a chance to try the recipe yet, but I will and will let you and Cindy know what I think---both on Facebook and the blog.

I also received a link yesterday to the video of Bomshel (Kristy O is from Sandpoing) performing on Fox Friends Show.

They explained their hit "Fight Like a Girl," which was dedicated to our beloved friend, the late Jenny Jacobson Meyer. It's struck a chord among cancer survivors nationwide. The duo sang the song yesterday, and, of course, folks remembered Jenny.

The link is
Thanks, Darlene and Melody for sending it my way, and thanks Dave Ebbett for mentioning that he saw their performance live on TV.

And, so the techno-world rules this morning, and if you go visit all those sites, you've got a big assignment ahead. Enjoy!

And, do keep track of those Boise gals and their STP Experiment. Tell your biking friends about their blog. They love the readership.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks, Mom Love! Thank you for the nice blurb about our STP experiment! Yes, I have given up on trying to look fabulous in my pictures. ;) I am feeling much better - thanks.