Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy Trail Riders

Barbara and Laurie showed up at the house yesterday afternoon after going on their Sunday shopping run.

"We're not staying," Laurie said, when I motioned them to come on in. "Do you want to go for a ride?"

Well, that decision took a nanno second.

Of course, I wanted to go for a ride, so we conferred on where to go.

"I don't want to get shot," Laurie said.

"Wanta go back to that Fish and Game property?" I asked.

Decision made. They knew I would be wearing the bright orange vest that belonged to our dad, and I would be riding the loud-colored horse.

So, we went back to where we had just gotten a start a couple of weeks ago when Barbara brought her young horse.

This time we made it all the way through from Rapid Lightning Creek to Trout Creek.

I couldn't wait for my sisters to see the charming old cabin that Lily and I had discovered on our first solo trail ride in September.

I think they liked it as much as I did.

We all took turns riding our horses around the cabin as the other two snapped photos.

In an area that's usually quiet, we found it almost a Grand Central Station.

Two women from the neighborhood were finishing up their afternoon ride when we arrived.

We met three different parties out for a walk in the gorgeous November sunshine.

And, we even had a hunter follow right behind us on foot through most of our trip back.

We weren't sure if he was happy to see us with our cameras and our gabbing, but we figured if deer were gonna get flushed out, we could certainly do our part.

No deer, but we did flush out a grouse. The hunter was not to be seen at that moment.

As I told my sisters yesterday, I haven't enjoyed anything in years as much as I've loved every trail riding adventure this fall.

I feel so fortunate to have a fantastic, trustworthy trail horse, along with the means to get where I need to go to find a trail, and to have connected with a lot of good riding buddies.

It's the best.

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