Thursday, November 05, 2009

This, that, these and those Thursday

Demonstrative pronouns today. How many out there had to memorize the kinds of pronouns?

How many can give me examples of personal, reflexive, intensive, relative, reciprocal, interrogative and indefinites? And, then, (who-whom) can tell me the correct uses of "who and whom"?

I finally gave up on teaching case with those two words and resorted to using the gimmick to teach the kids which to use when.

And whenever I explained that those demonstrative pronouns used in front of nouns turned into pronomial adjectives, that really sent them into a tailspin. I won't even bring up the relative use of "that."

Anyway, those demonstratives work for what's on my mind this morning.

How 'bout those Yankees? Didn't make anyone at this household happy. We were pulling for the Phillies, but it became obvious over the past couple of games that it wasn't in the cards for them to repeat. They were the "little guys," though, and sometimes it's just fun to root against the perennial powerhouses.

In the "this" category, I must announce that this morning, mouse number three met its mousetrap. Just as I was telling Bill the old reliable mousetraps seemed to be better than the new, I looked to the floor in the garage next to the freezer and there was a newer model trap sitting on its side.

Bill came over, picked it up, and, by golly, they work. Three down and Lord knows how many more to catch. Fortunately, all have been caught in the garage area.

We read in the mouse eradication print-out that they won't chew through aluminum foil. So, I stuffed foil in all cracks and openings inside the kitchen where they might come through. So far, the kitchen has remained free of those telltale turds. Fingers crossed.

And, Kathy, that was interesting to read your comment about mice infestations happening every seven years. Lori reported problems at their house this fall. I wonder if there are more readers out there who've encountered similar invasions in the past few weeks.

Another this: we have sad news to report in the Selle area this morning. The Parnells down Selle Road lost their big barn to fire yesterday. They have Clydesdales, and I've heard that their horses are okay.

I saw the black smoke as I was walking down the lane from turning my horses out to pasture early in the morning. I wondered if it was much more than a slash burn. Our hearts go out to them. We know the devastation of a fire and all its aftermath. Not fun.

These past few days have certainly made up for some of the yucky weather of October. Seems we've been given a little extra time to take care of fall projects, and I've enjoyed spending hours each day out in the yard picking up leaves, separating and planting Iris bulbs, and just plain enjoying life on the farm.

Farm life was noisy earlier this week because Taylors weaned their calves. Mama cows have finally quit their bovine wailing. Bert Wood is feeding his cows hay next door at Stan's, and I hear he'll be hauling them home for the winter soon.

Bill's been taking every chance he can get to go cut more wood for winter. Yesterday he went up the Twenty Mile Road to Boulder Meadows.

This week I saw a first at the Lovestead----a big blue jay. It spent a brief time in the Scotch pine tree and then flew off to Gary Finney's woods. I bought peanuts at Co-Op in hopes it might return and decide to stay. I love blue jays, even their squawky complaining. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the word of "peanuts at the Lovestead" will get out there, and our visitor will return with friends.

Speaking of Kathy and those woodpeckers. Well, I haven't spoken of the woodpeckers, but Kathy did yesterday. She wants to know how you discourage them from drilling holes in her house. She says she's used wind chimes with no luck. So, if there's someone out there with the answer, I'm sure Kathy would appreciate your advice.

Well, these are the times not to waste, so I'm going to cease the demonstrative pronoun display on this lovely Thursday and get out there for another day of enjoying life here on the Lovestead.

Have a great Thursday, and do let us know your mouse and woodpecker strategies.

Oh, one more thing, Lori, I've never thought about carrying a BB gun to ward off mice, but it sounds like a good plan. Maybe Kathy should give that some consideration.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I have to say I have become a pretty good shot with a bb gun along with all of my kids. At night, we go outside with the flashlights in the bird pens and shoot mice. Thats entertainment at our home with a little competition about who can kill the most. As for woodpeckers, we have had one and they are hard to get rid of - good luck to Kathy.