Sunday, November 01, 2009

Which ones are the boys?

I'll leave that up to readers to guess.

These are neighbor kids who broke a record for us last night.

We had the most trick-or-treaters we've seen in at least 15 years: six kids, two sets of parents, and, of course, Bill.

After insisting that they take several Butterfingers and Reece's peanut butter cups from our candy supply, I got them to promise that they'll come again next year.

It's nice that Bill usually gets to eat all the Halloween candy, but it's even more fun when nice little kids come calling at the door.

Some people claim that Halloween is evil; granted, in some cases, creepy people use the event as an excuse to do creepy things.

When ya see little kids coming to your door, looking as cute as our crowd did last night, and when those same little kids treat you like you're human and display manners automatically, I can't see too much evil.

We were delighted with our visitors last night.

We were also delighted with the day in general.

Our favorite football teams all won.

I enjoyed a nice ride down North Kootenai Road on Lily. Had a few raindrops falling on my head, but that didn't dampen the enjoyment one bit. Also, visited briefly with Bob and Ginny Libby, former teaching friends---now retired---who were out on a walk with their dog.

It was a good day for Bill too. He bagged a pheasant up near Bonners Ferry. He brought it home and dined on pheasant while we watched sports and enjoyed handing out candy.

And today looks stupendous. Sun's out. Sky's blue.

November is starting out just fine.

Have a pleasant Sunday wherever you are.

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