Thursday, December 31, 2009

Birthdays, ZAGS, New Year, Home Sweet Home

Willie and Debbie at their new home.

Barbara and Laurie, earlier this fall.

On this last day of 2009, we'll be celebrating some momentous occasions.

We'll be saying "Happy Birthday" to two family members.

We'll be saying good bye to one year and hello to another, along with a new decade.

We'll be yelling and screaming "GO ZAGS" as they take on Oklahoma at the Spokane Arena this evening.

We have already said plenty of "Yay's" for the Idaho Vandals who won a thrilling Humanitarian Bowl game yesterday.

We'll say "Welcome Home, Loves, Welcome Home." Willie and Debbie spent their first night at home on Lake Pend Oreille last night. The grandpuppies stayed with us.

Bill and I were reminiscing this morning that it was this day 33 years ago, three months before Willie was born, that we signed on the dotted lines for our first-ever home of our own. Actually, we've had only two, having lived here for 3.5 years.

Of course, I have reminisced a lot about this day 50 years ago when my mother went to the hospital late in the afternoon. In those days, new dads sat outside in a waiting room while their babies were born. Not long before midnight, Dr. Hayden came out and told our step-father Harold that he had a new daughter.

Thus, began Batch Two of our family. I had been the baby for more than 12 years, and I welcomed the moment when I could be someone's older sister. Well, I've enjoyed that for 50 years now with Barbara being that new daughter and the new younger sister.

Another sister, Laurie, would come a year or so later and then a little brother, Jim in 1963. My two brothers and I were ecstatic about Barbara's entrance into the world. Everyone always talked about how beautiful she was with her dark hair and big dark eyes.

In 50 years, Barbara has accomplished so many wonderful achievements, and in many cases, others have benefitted----horses, young people and anyone willing to learn. That's what Barbara is all about. She is the consummate animal lover, especially horses and her dog Pita.

Barbara is smart (class valedictorian with perfect 4.0), talented (especially with photography and horses), dedicated, and deeply caring of those she loves.

Fifty years later, I'm just as thrilled to be Barbara's older sister as I was that night when Harold came home and told us that she would be named Barbara Iva Tibbs. Her grandmother Iva was a teacher who taught in many of the one-room school houses in this area. Barbara's teaching achievements and accomplishments with students have kept the tradition going.

On this day, I throw out a great big happy birthday to my sister. And, I'll pass along another to my sister-in-law Joyce, yet another teacher and talented quilter. May both of you have a wonderful day.

And, to everyone, enjoy the last hours of this year, be safe, and many good wishes for next year.


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