Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ice-cold Beauty

After an adequate time for slouching around the house and catching our respective breath from all the Christmas festivities, we took a late afternoon trip with a goal in mind. Annie wanted to find a waterfall to photograph.

Bill and I both knew of a couple of scenes along Rapid Lightning Road, so dogs and humans piled in the car and headed out.

We found a waterfall all right, but along with it came an array of exquisite icy beauty, created by the hand of Mother Nature and a cold, flowing stream.

We took lots of photos, and, Annie's more refined shots will soon be up on her Flickr account

Later, we hiked to a great setting for sunset shots.

It was a memorable outing that exceeded our wildest expectations, and we feel privileged to be able to do such things on Dec. 26 after two winters of being cooped up and overwhelmed with cleaning up Mother Nature's dumps.

This year, thankfully, she's providing us a great supply of her more welcome natural artistry.

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