Willie and Annie in the late '70s.
I can be very dangerous now. My new desktop computer has too many options for taking up time, including a scanner that works.
It's been a while since I scanned anything, but once I got the thing hooked up last night, I had to play.
Of course, I found some vintage pictures of some vintage folks and some younger.
When I sent the above photo to Annie, she said she doesn't remember ever seeing it.
Well, it was one I always loved. When the kids were little and I had a darkroom, I used to take a lot of black and white photos of them and then race to the darkroom to see the results.
This is a favorite, for sure. I don't think we have that dress of Annie's, but I do see another around here, which she wore a lot as a child.
And, how about the hair of Willie's and those big eyes----a photographer's dream.
Then, there are the real angels in disguise---Mike, Kevin and Marianne (pictured below). I don't know if we've found our wings yet, but we sure did look like little innocents a long time ago.
I don't know how Mother convinced us to sit so close together for the photo shoot without trying to kill each other.
I'm sure there was a behavior modifier in the room. And, it's good the photographer caught us looking like such good little kiddies.
I doubt such a scene ever happened again.
1 comment:
Marianne, what great photos of two generations of "angels"! Wow! I did not know you had a b/w darkroom! So did I! Can you believe it? I spent most of the 70's enjoying that hobby! I have experimented with my old b/w negatives, the scanner, the computer & a whippy skippy color printer when I was still working. That bridge from 35mm to digital is lots of fun and no chemicals. Still b/w in the darkroom is my favorite. Can't wait to see more of your work! Janis Puz
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