Sunday, January 31, 2010

V Bar X Ranch: Where milk cows dared to roam . . . and roam

I wonder if this little gal will have to go find a milk cow.

According to dozens of stories told last night by a couple of generations of the Jim Wood family, kids learned a lot about life by tracking down Bossy.

Virginia, the matriarch, had her cow searching stories, as did Steve, the oldest of Jim and Virginia's five children.

The event was a celebration of the Wood family's inclusion into the Forest Legacy program.

Stories of the past and of wandering milk cows who dared to roam near scary bears were blended with visions of the future, where young 'uns might set off on the same trails some day looking for their family milk cow.

By the time the evening had ended and he had heard all those stories about Bossy, Brian Stevens, who's married to Tina Wood, who's Steve's daughter, said, "I think I'll get a milk cow."

Milk cow wisdom, along with a lot of hard work and family unity, has provided the Wood family a most impressive heritage.

Bill and I felt honored to be part of the celebration.

Tomorrow, I'll feature a poem about the family and the ranch, penned a few years ago by Leonard Wood.

For now, enjoy the images.

1 comment:

K.A. Wood said...

I was born and raised on the ranch and in the summers spent PLENTY of time hunting down the milk cow with Janie and my brother Keith! Remind me to tell you about the stinging nettles episode some time...