Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Bike Ride Slights

Debbie brought her new bike over yesterday afternoon, and we went for a nice ride down Woodside Road.

She's took a photo break on the road alongside Woods' woods.

We also did some visiting along the way as evidenced by the photos below.

The experience, which was Debbie's introduction to Woodside Road, was definitely thumbs up for both of us.


Not a lot else to report this morning.

Annie will be up in Vancouver tomorrow, checking out the Olympics activities.

She wants to get a photo near the flame, but we've heard it may be difficult because of a fence.

Knowing Annie, though, she'll find something of interest in her travels.


March 18, Sandpoint High School, Spaghetti Feed, 6-8 p.m.

Purpose: to raise funds for journalism and yearbook kids to go to their national convention in Portland.

Mark it on your calendar if you're in the Sandpoint area, or buy tickets even if you can't attend.

You know the drill: kids need money and they'll put on a dinner to make some money BUT they'll happily accept donations too. Contact William Love or Barbara Tibbs @ 208-263-3034 if you have questions or are feeling generous.

Also, if you're experienced and have tips (money or guidance) for the cooks preparing that spaghetti for a big crowd, we're open to any or all advice.


Guess that's all for now. I wish you all a happy Saturday.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

If you could have a drive-thru carryout, you would do well. Many "oldsters" cannot get out.