Monday, March 01, 2010

Dog-Day Afternoon and the Lodgepole Society

We enjoyed a special afternoon yesterday when Cheryl Klein, her daughter Molly and the Klein family dog, Mr. Gus, came to visit.

I told Cheryl the other day that I couldn't quite see her out my kitchen window. She was talking to me on her cell phone, through her ski helmet up at Schweitzer. She also said she'd like to see the Lovestead some day.

So, yesterday was the day. We inducted some new members into the Lodgepole Society and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon showing them our farm.

After finishing the "official" Lodgepole induction, we were taking some more photos when Miss Lila came.

Miss Lila had been the mystery dog for almost three years. Occasionally, out of the blue, she'd come ambling down South Center Valley Road by herself, without a care in the world. She'd pass by, heading north, and maybe twenty minutes later, she'd return on her way to wherever her home happened to be.

Over Christmas, I finally solved the mystery. Lila belongs to some neighbors over on Selle Road, and she loves to wander.

I made the mistake of welcoming her to the Lodgepole Pasture. Instantaneously, Lila became my new best friend. When she later plopped herself at our front door, as if she owned the place, I went to her owners and told them they might want to come and get her. Peyton, one of her owners, told me he'd been missing Lila and was getting worried. Lord knows, Lila wasn't the least bit worried about being lost at the Lovestead.

Cheryl Klein and I taught together at Sandpoint High School. She created the painting of Lincoln School which appears on the cover of my third book. Cheryl is one of the most phenomenal educators I've ever known. She's now retired and living happily at her lake home just over the hill from Willie and Debbie. And, yes, she put Willie on to that fine rental house.

Molly graduated when I did: 2002. Yes, I was the last person to walk through graduation that year. Anyway, Molly is an amazing young lady. She hit a road bump in her quest to go on to medical school this past year. She's battling sarcoma, and she's one tough cookie, thanks to the support she receives from friends all over the world. Molly is the subject of my next "Love Notes" column.

Oh yeah, and then there's Gus. He joined Cheryl and Molly in the induction ceremony. When the dirt from his paw failed to stay on the logbook page, Cheryl drew his signature.

I do believe Gus is our first canine Lodgepole Society recruit. He's a doggone good member.

Maybe one of these days we'll induct Lila too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry I missed it! I'm looking forward to meeting Miss Lila someday!

Great photos! I wish Molly the best during her visit to Seattle.