Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday drip, drip, drip . . .

Let's think of this morning's post "Raindrops keep falling from my head." So, I'll drop a few bits of rain your way. We do have a wet morning and more worms forming patterns in the sand throughout the driveway and on South Center Valley Road.

I wonder if an aspiring artist could do a worm-slithering painting and make a fortune on it. Seems like they come up with some interesting pathways through the sand. I always wonder where they're going and if they ever get there.

I do know, however, that many meet their demise after being smashed by a ton's worth of rubber tires passing over them. And, of course, there are those which probably don't slither fast enough to escape the beaks of our many robins.

DRRRRRIPPP: My lawnmowers are standing side by side just inside the door of the shop/storage area. They're waiting for Tony who will change their oil, replace their blades and perform any other needed maintenance needed for what looks like a longer mowing season than we've had for the past three years.

Was it June last year and the year before when I finally started mowing lawns after the snow finally left? I believe so. Let's add eight weeks more of mowing, and I'm saying the gas companies are going to have a glut on sales this year. If only the prices would remain steady, but that's more than we can wish for.

I think I'll be mowing for the first time next week. My first sighting of anyone doing lawn work came earlier this week when I drove by Bill Crouse's farm.

He was out there on his John Deere, pulling something behind. Looked like an aerator to me. It also looked like Bill was pretty pleased to be out there and that he's probably a confirmed John Deere man.

DRRIPPP: I saw in the paper this morning that my former Internet provider didn't show up for work yesterday. I think there were a lot of mildly irritated people throughout the area who couldn't get on the Internet----some were businesses who've used Imbris for years.

They were good to me all those years as they grew and grew with a huge customer base. The service was always good, but apparently, they've left town. The reporter said there's a "closed" sign on their office with a note telling where to pay the bill. Hmm. I don't know if I'd pay my bill.

Anyway, I'm relieved and have been very relieved for two years to have my satellite Internet. It will be interesting to learn what happened to Imbris and where those people who ran the operation are (hiding?) now.

DRRIPPP: The week ahead is looking fairly open, for a change. Then comes spring break. My sisters will be off, and we'll probably do some stuff with my 3-year-old horses, maybe even fulfill that goal to get Lefty pulling a cart.

DRRIPPP: And, the family birthday marathon starts---brother Kevin, Willie, Bill(he's 60 this year on April 2, if anyone wants to send him greetings), Bill's twin sister Margaret, my sister Laurie, the triplets and our dad's birthday on April 12. Should be some fun times as we celebrate.

DRRIPPP: And, I'd better get my barn chores done on this rainy, sloppy day cuz Tony will be here soon. Have a great Friday. Enjoy the rain. I know the worms and the robins do.

1 comment:

Word Tosser said...

what is it about April.... we have 10 in our family as well..