Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Hair Tenders, Zaps, et. al.

~~~Photo is a little grainy but there they are in San Francisco with their conference nametags:  Laura and Debbie.~~

I've let my hair down, and it's been nearly 18 hours without barrettes.  Yesterday marked the official start of a new era in my ever-increasing need to find the Fountain of Youth.  For several years, Joyce Campbell helped me in my quest, zapping---or in more euphemistic terms---highlighting my hair every two months.

Sadly, Joyce died shortly after Christmas.  Her passing meant an empty styling station at Hair Tenders on North Boyer next door to Elisa's Barber Shop.  Eventually, it became clear that Joyce's absence meant a need for her colleagues to move to a setting with more affordable rent.

It also meant I would have to find someone different to do my hair.  So, I asked Kelly Fisk of Hair Tenders if she would help me out.  She happily added me to her list of clients.  Kelly was in her final week at the old location when I went in to her salon for my February zap. 

Now she's located at the south end of the Riverside Building, which is near north entrance to the Long Bridge.  I went there yesterday for the first time.  She and her colleague have a lovely set-up, and I must say that Kelly has done a great job with my hair. 

Yesterday she feathered the front, and I haven't noticed hair in my nose, my eyes or my mouth since. 

It's kinda nice to let it hang free for a change after all those years of pulling it back.  Plus, it gives me a new lease on life, which,  when we get to this age, any new lease---no matter how small---can make a big difference in our outlook.  And, mine is literally better because the pesky hair is not blocking it.

I may even take a big step in the next couple of appointments and ask Kelly to whack it and zap it.  Heck, it will always grow back.  For now, I'm quite happy with the minor change.

Speaking of happy, I enjoyed a pleasant surprise shortly before going to my appointment yesterday.  While talking to Mother on the home phone, my cell phone in the side pocket beeped.  I pulled it out and read a text message from my niece Laura from Plummer, whom we had seen over the weekend.

Turns out Laura discovered yesterday that the conference in San Francisco she's attending this week as a extension agent for the Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribe is the very same gathering that my daughter-in-law Debbie has been attending since Sunday.

Debbie told me last week that there would be Girl Scout officials representing 20 counciles from all over the nation at the Children, Youth, Families At-Risk conference.  They would be spending the first few days coordinating a presentation.  The last few days they would be giving the presentation to representatives from 4-H and FFA.

Friday night at dinner Laura and Debbie, who had not seen each other for several months, visited but never mentioned to each other that they'd be in San Francisco this week.  This was definitely another of those "small world" happenings, and I'm guessing it will mean some really fun memories for our two family members who have discovered each other there.

A few years ago, Mother, Annie and I planned a trip to San Antonio.  Shortly before leaving, we learned that Laura would be attending a similar conference there at the same time.  We all got together for dinner at the River Walk.

I don't know what the deal is with that Laura and her experiences, but I do know that with all her travels so far,  she's definitely found Loves in all the right places.  Can't get much better than doing so in San Francisco and San Antonio. 

With that bit of craziness, I'll wish everyone a happy Wednesday and will hope to go through a whole day letting my hair down.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

We loyal blog readers and Love followers request a picture of the new "do".