Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday Twitterdeedum

Gonna be hot again today, but I've found the cure.  Of course, it's Big Blue, the pool out behind the barn.  Can't stand the heat, get into the pool with all your clothes on.  Swim around for a while.  Get out, and change out of your wet pants.  Leave the top stuff on.  

This is no wet T-shirt scene, mind you.  I don't often wear T-shirts, and I always wear the appropriate undergarment to go with whatever top I have on.  Yesterday's quick dip kept me cool and refreshed until the sun went down.  

Tom Sherry says this will be the last scorcher of the summer.  At a predicted 92, that doesn't come close to the heat others are enduring around the country, so we can't complain too much.   Still, I'm glad to have Big Blue.

I've noticed there has been a population explosion of Big Blues in the rural areas this year---in fact, they've almost doubled in numbers.  
And, I chuckled with a sense of warped empathy yesterday when I drove by a smaller Big Blue, flattened out like a wrinkled up bed spread  in someone's back yard. 

I'm betting these folks purchased their pool this year and are struggling with the same learning curve I did last year when it took me three fillings of several thousand gallons of Oden Water  to finally get mine to stay full. 

Ever heard of Megan McCormick?  She lives in Nashville and she has an album out today.  She's getting some nice reviews for it too.

I've never met Megan, but I've heard her sing.  She's phenomenal, and her guitar playing is just as good. I'm thinking Dyno at The Festival ought to snap up Megan right away for an appearance on next year's concert line-up.  

I know a lot of local folks who know Megan.  In fact, I've known many of her family members for nearly 40 years.  Her grandparents are Dale and Mae McCormick, longtime Sandpoint residents.  Her dad is Todd,  and her aunt is Julie Knox.  I think they're all pretty proud of Megan, for good reason. 

Mae gave me a CD with Megan's singing and playing a few years ago.  I almost wore it out before loaning it to a relative.  

I'm not quite sure how I can get Megan's most recent release because of all the music techno stuff involved, but maybe my kids can help me figure that out.

Anyway, for those who aren't techno-impaired, you can read more about Megan and her "Honest Words" album at www.amazon.com or by going to http://itunes.apple.com/us/preorder/honest-words/id386647363 

Good luck to Megan, and congrats to all her family members who must be rightfully busting their buttons with pride.  It truly would be great to see her at The Festival some year.

 Heather's coming home tonight. She's finished with her entry-level horseback training.  Now it's time to reinforce everything she's learned from Roxane.  I'm looking forward to riding her and giving her the experience needed to turn her into a seasoned saddle horse.

Lefty's not far behind.  I saddled him up last night and worked him in the round pen.  He stands still while I put my foot in the stirrup, and I have no doubt that with someone else around to hold him, I could take the next step and climb on.

Being an old lady, though, I plan to make sure there's someone available for the "just-in-cases."  Old-lady bones and bodies don't heal fast, so I'm not taking any chances.  

The big pickup is coming home tonight too. Our longtime wrecker man, Dan Smith of Evergreen Towing, came out yesterday and hauled it to Les Schwab.  Turns out the problem was not nearly as expensive or difficult to solve as we had expected.

For good measure, the Les Schwab crew will do some work on the other side too, and then Bill will bring it home.  Have I ever said how much we appreciate the Les Schwab team?  They're a company that truly takes care of their customers, especially with their guaranteed work.

It would be neat to have that new reality show "Undercover Boss" feature whoever is at the helm of the Les Schwab company these days. 

On the garden front, the cucumbers are coming, the cucumbers are coming.  I can't wait to pluck one off the vine, cool it off in the refrigerator, and then cut off some slices.  Gotta get my pickling recipes out because after all the early cucumber difficulties from the cold spring and the mole invasion into my greenhouse, I have 24 thriving plants.

I talked to my old friend Garry Bristow yesterday and learned that he's singing the gardening blues this year too.  Even at Sagle, cold weather halted a lot of garden growth.  Garry called this the oddest growing year he's ever seen.  

Maybe we'll have an Indian Summer and the gardens can make up for lost time.  

Guess that's enough tweedledeeing for this Tuesday.  Time to get out there and admire those cukes again.  

Have a great day.  Stay cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our corn is so late we are trying to figure out how to put a giant greenhouse over the whole garden.